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Gajeel (POV)

I got to school and every one was talking shit about Lucy I feel bad for her but I didn't get to see shrimp because the bell rang. I passed by her but she didn't say hi so she probably didn't see me. I got to first period. In the class people were just talking about Lucy it pissed me off the I heard someone say "I wish they would have killed her she is such a slut setting them up like that was the most stupidest thing anyone could ever do." A guy said. This got me a little pissed off I got up ready to punch him when the teacher walked in so I took my seat. Then the bell for the next class. I was walking to my next but I bumped into. "Oh I'm sorry" I said turning around an I saw that it was shrimp. "Whatever just don't do it again got it idiot." she said the walked away. is she mad at me for something I mean I don't remember doing anything to her whatever I will ask her at lunch.


It was finally lunch I got my lunch and went to go find Lucy when I found her I sat next to her. She looks kind of sad "Hey Lucy how you doing" I asked. "Well now that you ask it was a very horrible day so far I was late because a bitch slammed me against the wall and I got 2 hours of detention after school today and the I got milk poured on me. So you guys can leave with out me I will walk home." she said. "Okay" I said then Juvia came and sat down. "Hey guys" she said it kind of in a depressing tone. Oh no she is upset I thin I shouldn't ask. At that moment Lucy left. "Hey Juvia want to talk about it." I asked just to see if she would. "No I don't want to" she said. "Hey I have to go do something so I will see you later." I said. "Okay see you I also have something to do." she said. I hate to leave her like this but I need to know what is up with Levy and why she is in a bad mood. I walked to the one place I though she could be and that is the library. I got to the door and went in. "Hello welcome" said the lady at the check out desk. "Hello" I said then walked to the one spot that shrimp would be at. When I got there she was reading a book and it was a big book. I went up behind her and grabbed her book. "Hey there shrimp" I said with a smile. "What do you want" she said I a harsh whisper. "I just wanted to talk to you that's its" I said. "Well in that case I have to go" then she left me there. I was shocked she had never talked like that. I walked around campus and thought of a reason she would be mad even the very little reason but I could not figure any reason for her to be mad. I walked and walked then I saw a group of girl that her talk so I walked right passed them. I was walking pass them when I heard one say "That Lucy girl better watch her back because I am going to kick her ass when I see her.". "Yeah and it is going to be easy because she doesn't even have any friends after what she did yesterday." said another girl. I wanted to just go up to them a beat them or even thinking about hurting Lucy. It took all I had to hold back and at the end I walked away. The bell rang to go to my next period. I walked into class and sat at me seat 'just two period left and I could go find her and talk to her' I thought to myself. "Gajeel you are to go to the office right away" my teacher said. I got my things and started walking to the office. I walked to the office. I got there "Hello what is your name boy" said the lady at the front desk. "My name is Gajeel" I said. "Okay just take a seat he will call you up when he finishes." she said. "Okay thank you" I said. I went to take a seat. I was on my phone when I hear "Gajeel please come in to my office" said Makarov . I got up and walked into his office.

(Gajeel and Makarov conversation)


Hello Gajeel


Hey old man


I need to talk about Lucy


What did she do this time


I need to ask about the rumors about Lucy did she or did she not set them up


Wait you don't believe them do you


to be honest I don't know who to believe the criminals or the students that I have know for four years


Believe who you will I am out of here

(End of conversation)

With that I walked to the door "Don't forget the vow that you made on your hands and knees" I said then waked out and went to class.

Makarov (POV)

Stupid boy how can I ever forget it but a vow is a vow and I will fulfill it no matter how long it take.


Today I am going to my only daughters funeral. I got to the church where they are holding the ceremony for her open casket. Her name was Layla and I loved her so much until some idiot ran her over. When I got there I said hello to her husband, Jude, and her daughter, LUCY. When they finished putting her in the ground people started to leave I was the last one there I loved her she reminded me of my wife she was the spitting image of her. When everyone was gone I got on my knees "I vow to you that I will watch over your daughter like if she was my own I will not let her go in the wrong path. I will always be by her side." Then I went home.


I never got to watch over her because soon after her father had moved to the other side of the state I kept contact with her for a while but then she wouldn't answer after about 2 months I stop calling her and then when I heard of a new girl that had the same name was coming I looked into it but it turns out that I could not keep the vow I made that day she had already had a bad reputation at that school but I looked into her personal live to see how the father was and what I found was awful he had beat her for ten years and no one know until a month before she moved she told her friend Gajeel and he told the police but because he had money he bribed them to let it slide and they let him go. When I saw her again she looked just like her mother but one thing was different and that where her eyes they where cold, no fear showed in them, they looked like she hadn't laughed in a while. But now that I have her here I will fulfill the vow.

Gajeel (POV)

I went back to class and then the bell rang. I headed to my other class. When I got there I took my seat 'I cant believe that he thought his own granddaughter was capable of doing something like that' I thought to my self. I was zoning out because next thing I know the bell was about to ring. I packed my stuff and waited for the bell. When it rang I headed to find Levy. I looked and looked until I found her walking out of the library. "Hey Levy" I yelled. "What do you want Gajeel" she said in a mean voice. I grabbed her and pinned her against the wall. "Levy what is wrong with you why are you mad at me what did I do." I asked. "Don't act so innocent. I know that your friend tricked Natsu to believe that she was in danger and the girls did it." she said. "Levy she would never do that to anyone and besides what does that have to do with me." I asked. "Gajeel I know that the day Jet and Dory tried to rape me in the library you paid them to do it and that way when you came in it looked like you where the hero so don't you dare say that you didn't I heard it my self." she said. At that moment I was shocked and I could believe that she thought I was that kind of person. I let her go "And I thought you where the smart one. But don't worry I wont bug you again so this is goodbye." I said then I walked away. I went to the car where I was to meet Juvia. I got a message from Juvia. 'Hey I need to go take a walk and maybe I will go to the lake so I will see you at home.' 'okay see you there' I message back. Fuck I know that I have to get home go to my room lock the door and hide under the bed. I got home and sat on the couch I watch some TV and then my eye lids started to close so I went up to my room and fell asleep.


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