Natsu side

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Natsu (POV)

After Lucy left I was still in shock but what shocked me more was what she actually told me all that stuff. I wanted to chase after her but I couldn't because I thought about what she did to me. I cant believe that I fell for a trick like that. I didn't know that out of all the people she was capable of doing something like that just to get a guy to notice her for all I know she was the one that broke her arm and cut herself up. She probably yelled for help and then Elizabeth and her friends tried to help her. Then when they came to help she yelled for help and I came running in and then she probably forced her to cut her for all I know. I know all of this because people all around school where talking about it and one person even came up to me and told that she even admitted to setting them up. I cant believe that I fell in love with a attention whore. I promise I will never believe anything that come out of her mouth ever. I was walking out when I saw Gray he looked mad about something. "Hey man what's up" I asked. "I have been mad all day I found out that the girl I was going out with tricked into go out with her." he said. "I know what you mean man. Hey you want to go to the café and have a snack or something." I asked. "Sure" then we walked the café is like 15 minutes away by foot. When we got there we saw Levy our friend. "Hey Levy what you up to." I asked. "Just trying to release some anger." "why" Gray asked. "Because I fell in love with an ass whole who lied to me and got some people to do something to me and he acted like the hero." she said. "Wow it looks like we all fell for a stupid trick. We also believed people that are liars." I said. "Yeah" both Levy and Gray said at the same time. we had our snack and then we all walked out. "Well see you guys tomorrow at school." I said the walked away. "Bye" Levy said. "See you" Gray said. I was walking when I heard someone yell help. I started running but then I saw Lucy with Sting and that got me a little pissed off one because I bet she was the one that yelled help and faked everything and two because I hate Sting and seeing the two people that I hate together just sets me off. I saw Rouge coming out of the alley that Lucy and Sting came out of. "Oh hey pinky" he said. "What happened" "Well that girl Lucy I think it is she was being chased by guys in black suits they said that they work for her dad and that he wants her Dead or Alive it doesn't matter then she ran into an alley that was a dead end the they were going to beat her but me and Sting came in just in time and then when we were done he wanted to walk her home so he did and that's it." he said. "She probably set you up just to get Sting what a slut." I said to him. "I don't think so one time he ran into her and he was not being nice so she beat him up and he has been in love with her since then." he said. "Whatever I have to go bye." I walked out. 'Yeah right like anyone would want her if I was her dad I would let her go' I thought to myself. I then went home.

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