And This Is Why I Don't Trust

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Natsu (POV)

I didn't have time to go yesterday so I am getting ready to go right now. I put on my shirt and walked to the kitchen. I got my keys and headed for the front door. "Natsu where are you going." My mother asked. "I am going to visit a friend I will be back in a couple of hours" I yelled as I left. I got to my car and started the engine. I drove to the prison that Elizabeth is at because I need to find out the truth about what happened. 'What would I do if I find out that Lucy didn't set them or me up' I thought to my self.


I finally got here after an hour and a half of driving. I am walking to the front desk. "Hello how can I help you." asked the guy behind the desk. "I am here to see my friend Elizabeth Drent." I said. "Okay take a seat we will call her up." I sat down and went on Instagram and saw a picture of Lucy. She is so beautiful and I really did like talking to her but I won't be able to trust her again if the rumor was true. "Visitor for Elizabeth." I heard someone say. I got up and she lead me to a space where there where glassed between the prisoner and the visitor. When she saw me her eyes widen in surprise. "Natsu what are you doing here?" she asked. "I came because I need to ask some thing." I said. "What is it?" she asked. "That day when the thing happened to Lucy who did it to her?" I asked. "Natsu you got to understand that I did it because I lo-" "Wait what you did it? Why?" "Because I didn't like the way she was treading you and I wanted to get her back so I found out her schedule and we waited in the restroom that is right by the  girl locker room and when my friend texted me saying she was almost there we got ready to do it and when she was right in front of the door we pulled her in and she did try to fight back but I had more friends in there and they pulled her off of me and I started punching her and then four more of my friends came in and she asked for help but they did nothing to help her because they also didn't like the way she treated you. So they joined in by punching her and then one of my friend handed me the scissors. Then we started cutting her up and that is when you came in and took her." she said. "Wait she didn't do it to her self and made it look like you did it?" I asked. "No why? Wait a friend came to visit me and told me about a rumor that Lucy did it all to herself just so you could save her and get you to like her. God who ever believed that is an idiot because I don't even think anyone would be able to do that to them self. So what are you two talking now." She asked. I looked down not wanting to make eye contact. "You didn't. You wouldn't. Natsu please tell me that you didn't believe the rumor?" She asked. I just kept looking down. "Natsu Dragneel you are so stupid it even looked like you liked her I guess I thought wrong." she said. "No you didn't and now I cant even try to win her back I was so mean to her." I said looking at her. "Oh yeah I heard you tried to hit her but she put you in your place." she said. "Alright time is up Elizabeth" said a guard. She got up "Natsu I hope she forgives you I know I wouldn't." She said then walked away. I got up and headed out. I drove home I think I will go to the park.

Lucy (POV)

I was at home when I got a call from Sting God I really don't want to talk to him.


Lucy: Hello

Sting: Hey I was wondering if you wanted to go to the park with me?

Lucy: Sure I will meet you at the front gate of the park

Sting: Okay bye

*End of call*

I got ready and started walking to the park when I remember what happened a couple of days ago.


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