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Lucy (POV)

It has been five years since we up and left Natsu, Gray, and Levy. But two months after we left me and Juvia had started to get sick as soon as we woke up we would run the our restroom and throw up. Then it kept going like that for one more month so we went to the doctor and they told us that we were pregnant. Where were both three months into the pregnancy when we found out. We tried to think about who the fathers where to our kids but the only ones that we have slept with are Gray and Natsu, but I'm pretty sure they were smart enough to wear a condom. Right? Since we know that they would grow up with out one we just let it go, then 6months passed and we had our kids. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Nashi. Juvia gave birth to a baby boy named Storm. They are going to turn five in a couple days so we planned on going to see my Grandfather back in Magnolia. I have not once thought about what would happen if I bumped into Natsu I mean Nashi looks just like him and I'm scared that he is going to find out. So when I got a call from my grandfather telling me that he know about the kids and was mad that we have not told him, he demanded that we go so I told him that when the kids turn five I will take Juvia, Storm, Gajeel, Nashi, and Me down there. So right now we are in the middle of packing to start the drive down there. But in the two years following my kid's birth I got my dad company when I found out about his death meaning I had to give up the life that I had. Juvia on the other hand gave up the life for her kid and formed her own company and now after two years it has became one of the biggest companies in the world. As for Gajeel he gave the leader title to his best guy fiend in the gang and they have done a good job keeping the peace. Gajeel found that his parents had a company and decided to get it back from his dads old friend who gladly gave it to because he made a promise to Gajeels father that as soon as he showed up he would hand it over. So now all of our companies are going great. Now its time to get going.

Natsu (POV)

It has been five years since they just left us after we had an amazing night together. When I turned the age of 21 my father gave me the company. Gray got his fathers company because Leon was married into one and then Levy got the McGardan business in her hand but now she had two kids they are twins but one is a girl and the other a boy. The boy is named Gale and the girl is named Rose. they are five now and they look just like their father Gajeel Redfox. that's right he got her pregnant but Levy doesn't want to tell him of fear that he will reject them and not want anything to do with. It might sound weird but after the night we spent with the three of them none of us could be with anyone else and it breaks my heart to think that they will never come to us. Well all five of us are heading over to gramps house for some party he is throwing. I Hope its not just us like last time.

Juvia (POV)

We have been driving since this morning and we have finally gotten to Gramps house I cant wait until I see gramps again even though we left on bad terms we mad up and now he invited us to a party he is throwing. I look over at the kids and they are so beautiful and they both look just like their fathers I know that for a fact that they are the fathers but I hope they never find out. We got to the big drive way that lead to the house where gramps live and parked the three car but we also saw three more cars there I guess we are not the only ones. We walked up to the front door and Lucy knocked. Then a minute later a little boy answers the door and I swear I almost fainted he looked just like Gajeel but a lot younger, then a little girl came along that looked somewhat like Gajeel but had Levy's face structure. I looked back at Gajeel and said "When you have kids?" "What are you talking about Juvia I never had kids." he says. "Really then explain why those two look just like you." Lucy said pointing at the two little kids at the door. But before he could say anything we heard " Gale how may times have I told not to open the door to anyone." a very mad Levy came out. I was shocked when she went and opened the door more so we could look inside. I look at Lucy and Gajeel but he was to focused on Levy to care he look like he saw the most beautiful girl ever. I look back at Lucy and said "if she is here then that me-" I was cut off when someone said "Levy who's at the door?" I heard a voice that sounded like Grays. "Levy what's going on" I heard a voice that sounded like Natsu ask.

Lucy (POV)

I looked at Juvia when I heard their voices and said "Run." I grabbed Nashi and Juvia grabbed storm and we ran to the cars and where almost there when "And where the hell are you two going!" gramps said. We stopped dead in our tracks and turned around. "Gramps well I think its getting late I think that something came up at anywhere else but here land so bye." I said and started back to the care "Yeah what she said." Juvia said. "Lucy is that you?" I heard Natsu ask. I turned around and made eye contact with his and then he looked at Nashi and he know right away that she was his because come on who else had pink hair. "She's mine isn't she?" he asked. "Yes she is now if you'll excuse us we have somewhere to be." I said but when I reached out to grab the door handle a hand grabbed mine. "Lucy please you have no idea what I have been throw and how I have missed you through out these five years please stay with me at least give me a chance for Nashi." he said. I looked into his eyes and I don't know how but I know he was telling the truth and I just started crying because he has no idea how long I have wanted to come back to him. "You have no idea how long I have wanted to come back to you and be with you but I was scared that you would want nothing to with me or Nashi." I said and he hugged me and so tight I never wanted him to let got. "Natsu lets give this a try yeah?" I asked. "Hell yeah lets do I." he said and we kissed and decided it was the best to just go and show Nashi around the new place she will be living at because I was moving back her no matter what.


The Smile We Had Forgotten  ( NALU, GALE, GRUVIA)Where stories live. Discover now