The Truth Behind The Rumors

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Natsu (POV)

Today is Saturday and I am at the café with Levy and Gray. Levy is on her lap top searching up who knows what. I am on instagram scrolling down I saw a picture of two blondes that are kissing. I look closer and its Lucy and Sting. I looked at the caption *The best thing that has happened to me since I came to Magnolia was meeting this guy. It also is the best two months of my life. I love you Sting and I hope we can stay together for long.* "That bitch" I said. Gray and Levy looked at me "What? Who's the bitch?" Gray asked. I showed him my phone "Are you serious Natsu don't be mad just think of it this way she probably played him just like she played you." he said. "Yeah right" I heard Levy whispered. "What was that Levy?" I asked. "Nothing" she said under her breath. I just kept scrolling and the I saw a picture of Lucy, and Juvia in the bathing suits. "Hey Gray look at this" I showed him the picture and his cheeks went red and he looked away "Why are you showing me that?" he asked. "Because I know you would want to see Blue in a bathing suit" I said. "What ever" he said

Gray (POV)

I was scrolling through Facebook and I saw a video was put up by Juvia. I opened it and I saw it, it was a video of Lyon grabbing Juvia and Pushing her into the water and then she came up and swan to him and kissed him and in the back round there is Gajeel and Minerva hugging and playing in the water "No stop Sting I don't want to go in there" I Guess it was Lucy who said that "To bad" the voiced sounded like a guys. Then the camera started shaking and then it stopped. "I guess it Just ended." I said a little to loud. "What ended?" Levy asked. Should I show her the video she looks really up set when she saw Gajeel and Minerva together last time. "I don't know Levy maybe you shouldn't see the video" I said. "Show me Gray now" she said in a demanding tone. "Levy I don-" I was cut off when Levy took my phone. I watched and I know she got to that part because her eyes got teary. "What you looking at?" Natsu asked. He took the phone away and watched the video. When it was done he said nothing and just gave it back. "Levy are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah" she said as her voice cracked. 'Damn I know I shouldn't have let her take the phone' I thought to my self. "Don't worry Levy he probably tricked her like he tricked you" I said to her. "Yeah no I don't think so." she said.

Levy (POV)

"Yeah no I don't think so." I said If only they knew. "Hey now that we are speaking about them did you guys hear about the new rumor going around?" he asked. "What rumor" I asked. "The one where it has been said that they where in a gang but not just in." Natsu said. "What do you mean by but" I asked. "Well it has also been said that they ran it." he said. "I think I can find out if it true. What school did they come from?" I asked. "I think it was a place called Phantom Lord." Gray said."Alright thanks." I said. I got my lap top and typed in Gajeel Redfox Phantom Lord.



I kept scrolling down but all I got was him doing bad thinks when he was younger. "Hey there is nothing on him being a gang leader. So I think that the rumor is not true." I said. "Try Gajeel Redfox gang leader." said Natsu. I typed in Gajeel Redfox gang leader


I clicked on that one and when it opened it showed a picture of him. There was a caption that read *Gajeel Redfox missing gang leader if anyone has seen him or has information on him call(147)125-8979* my eyes widened as I read it. "What the fuck" I whispered. "What is it Levy" both Natsu and Gray asked looking at me. "Your not going to believe this but I just found something on Gajeel" I said they both came to my side and looked on the screen. "That's it on him I guess the rumor was true for him anyways." I said. "So does that mean that Lucy and Juvia are not in the gang." asked Natsu. I looked and scrolled down. I saw a link that said more pictures of him. I clicked on the link and it send me to a bunch of picture the first ones were him alone. I saw one of him holing a handgun and the caption under that said *Gajeel Redfox holds record for shooting 50 cans down with one bullet.* I went down more and I saw a picture of all three of them had guns. "I found a picture of all three this is what the caption below says *Gajeel Redfox First in command of the Gang Phantom Lord with his second in command Juvia Lockser and third in command Lucy Heartfilia with the weapons they favor. Lucy is holding a 50 Cal Sniper Rifle, Juvia is holding a High Tech Assault Rifle (XM-8), and Gajeel is holding Basic Special Forces Machine Guns in each hand. They are each specialized in one specific weaponry category. Lucy Heartfilia is specialized in guns that are categories as Snipers, Juvia Lockser is specialized in guns that are categories as Assault weapons, Gajeel Redfox is specialized in guns that are categories as Machine Guns. They have all been doing this since they were 10 years of age and at the age of 16 they became pros.* that's all it says." I said to them. I looked up only to see that they had fear in their faces. I was scared to death not only because he was a gang leader but also because I have fallen in love with him. But I was even more scared at the fact that if I even tell him he might not believe me just like I didn't believe him. "So that rumor was true that means the rest have to be true." Gray said taking me out of my thoughts. "So they did plays us." Natsu said. "Actually they are not all true." I said. "What are you talking about Levy there is proof right there that one of the rumors was true so all of them have to be true." Natsu said. "Well the one where Gajeel played me was not true." I said. "How the hell do you know? Oh wait let me guess he told you him self he didn't play you am right." Gray said. "No your not look I will tell you know. it was Monday March 2nd and I was at the Library at lunch........

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