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Juvia (POV)

I felt bad for Lucy and Gajeel because a couple of days ago they were told that they are tricksters. How could that Levy girl think that Gajeel could do that, yes he has a bad pass but I know for a fact Gajeel would never think about having someone get almost rape just so he could be the hero. And Lucy would never set someone up just so she could get a guy, she has done it in the past but that was for the gang we were in but we left it to come here a couple mouths ago. anyways right now I am at to and the bell just rang to go to first period. I went to class and I was so excided today might be the day I see Gray and he wont push me away. I finished first period and in the hall I saw Gray I walked up to him and I hugged his arm. But he yanks it away I guess he still pushing me away "Get lost I don't want to see you right now" and he walked away. 'Did I just get pushed aside by my boyfriend again no way' I thought to my self. I was sad I really do love Gray but why is he ignoring me. It was second period and I was just sitting there only thinking about Gray and how mean he was being to me. The bell rang and I went to my next class but I bumped into someone on my way. "Watch where your going bitch God what a stupid girl." I looked up and my eyes widen when I saw who said that. It was Gray and Natsu. "Wow her and the slut cant stop but bump into us and make our life a living hell." said Natsu. "Juvia is so sorry that Juvia bumped into Gray and Natsu please don't hurt Juvia." I said. At the moment a girl came up to Gray. "Hey lets go already." she said and Gray looked at her and he did something I couldn't believe he kissed her in front of me his girlfriend. I couldn't stand it I got up and ran to the restroom and cried my eyes out. I stayed there for the rest of second and when the bell rang to go to third I got up and walked out. I wanted to go to third just for one hour, one hour, just to forget what a horrible life I have lived. But some how I ended up on the roof and just thought about how foolish I was to think I could ever be happy with someone. I don't remember what happened after that but when I came back I realized that I was walking to the court yard. When I went in I saw Lucy and Gajeel eating. I walked up to them "Hey guys" I said as I sat down. "Hey Juvia" Lucy said but then got up and left. "Hey Juvia want to talk about it." asked Gajeel. "No I don't want to" I said back. "Hey I have to go do something so see you later" He said. "Okay see you I also have something to do." And with that I got up and walked away. I need to find Gray and ask him what he was thinking I might just have to leave him. I walked for 5 minutes before I found him sitting in the middle of the Garden. I was walking to him when I saw the same girl from earlier. I stopped walking and watch to see what would happen. I saw that she went sat on his lap and he didn't try to get her off then they kissed 'Why is it that when ever I like someone that person has to hurt me' I thought to myself then walked away. Then the bell rang and I went to my next class. When I got there I took my seat and zoned out. I thought about my passed and how I was back at Phantom Lord before I moved here I loved the fact that I could do what I wanted but when Gajeel told me about moving here to have a new started I really wanted to come. I love the idea of not being feared by people and being nice to them but some times its hard when they push you to be mean to them. I just hope that one day Gajeel, Lucy, and me can live a life where we don't have to hide who we really are because we are the people that ever one sees. While I zoned out I had a flashback:


I was about 9 when Gajeel found me living in the streets. "Hey there Blue what you doing" he asked. "Trying to sleep" I answered back. "Why don't you go home to your mom and dad silly girl." he said. "Mom and Dad will never love Juvia again. They think Juvia is the reason that Juvia's little brother died." I said to him. "I don't think so besides where are your parents little blue." he asked. "They left Juvia here while they went on a job for their boss last mouth." I answered. "Oh so you don't have a place to live." he asked. "No Juvia has nowhere to go." I answered. "Well then come with me I am sure that my parents will take you in they are really nice." he said then extended his hand to help me up so I took it and started walking. When we got to the house he lived at it looked amazing and I just wanted to get inside already. We walked in and where greeted by a women with Light brown hair and red eyes then came a man with black jet hair and dark brown eyes I mean like dark brown they even looked black. "Hello Gajeel who is your new friend?" the women asked. "Well mom this is Juvia and she doesn't have a place to live can she live with us please." Gajeel begged. "Fine but what about your parents?" she asked. "They died a couple weeks ago." I answered with my tears threatening to come out. "Oh you poor thing don't worry I will treat you like my own daughter okay." she said then I nodded and she hugged me. One year passed and me and Gajeel where in his room when I heard the doorbell ring. I ran down stairs and gasped at the scene I saw and man with a mask had a gun pointed at Gajeels mom and another man had one to Gajeels dad heart. "What is the meaning of this" asked Gajeels dad. "You broke the rule Redfox now its time for you to pay the price." said the man and in the next second I heard a gun shot I looked at Gajeels dad and he was laying on the floor with blood coming out of him. "Juvia stay back please and whatever happens don't be scared okay. And don't forget that I love you and Gajeel as my children nothing less understood." she said but before I could answer I saw her fall to the ground and Gajeel came down a saw the scene and he walked to a secret whole in the wall and took out a gun. I heard to shots and I looked back at the men and they had gun shots to right where their hearts should be. "Gajeel Juvia did know Gajeel could do that." I said.

The Smile We Had Forgotten  ( NALU, GALE, GRUVIA)Where stories live. Discover now