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Even with the practice room door closed, loud music could be heard well down the hall. Rhythmic, well timed. To her untrained ears it sounded good. It wasn't until there was an ear piercing sound of electrical feedback and screeching that she winced, hand on the knob to enter the room. Loud yelling erupted from inside. She looked to the tall ghoul behind her nervously, but they just shrugged at a loss, the same confusion dancing behind their eyes.

Turning back to the door and shaking her head slightly she turned the knob and slipped into the room. If she thought it was loud outside in the hall, it was worse inside. All the ghouls were unmasked, much to her shock, and Aether was giving Dew a stern look, his strong arms crossed tightly across his chest.

“What is the problem today, Dew? Did you smear your fingers with butter or something? You normally kill those notes and you’re all over the place!”

“I know I’m all over the place, asshole! Im fuckin tryin, okay?”

“Guys, please…” one of the ghoulettes tries to pipe in but she's immediately interrupted by Dew trying to make it through the section he fumbled on only to mess up again as his fingers slipped. He growled loudly in frustration and spun on his heel as he drew his arm back. Once turned he threw his pick as hard as he could, launching it right towards Annie who shrieked and held the journal up in front of her face just in time for the plastic projectile to bounce off the leather cover.

Instantly he was at her side, guitar discarded and his eyes full of concern and panic as he reached towards her.

"Fuck! Shit! Are you okay, Darlin? I swear to Hell I didn't see you there!"

Annie lowers the journal, peeking over it to look at him before giving a soft nervous laugh. "Are your practices always so dangerous?"

He sighs lightly, shoulders relaxing as he gives a relieved chuckle. "Not usually."

He looks at her, his eyes shifting emotions as he studies her. "How are you doing? You scared us yesterday."

She frowns deeply, clutching the journal to her chest as she looks from him to the other ghouls, setting the same mix of concern in their eyes before turning back to the ghoul in front of her.

"I… I don't remember anything from yesterday."

Aether sets his guitar on his stand and walks over, immediately pulling her into a hug once he's close enough. His embrace is warm and the subtle scent of lilac and spice fills her nose and she relaxes into him. Before she knows it all of the ghouls are surrounding her in a giant group embrace with Rain and Dew being the closest next to Aether. Tears prick at her eyes and she bites her lip to hold back tears. Their combined myriad of scents both overwhelm and comfort her and she closes her eyes, relaxing more heavily against Aether as she sniffles.

“If… if i did anything yesterday that hurt any of you, I’m sorry,” she says barely above a whisper, not really trusting her voice over her overwhelming emotions. “I really don’t know what happened and I literally remember nothing.”

“Love, you have nothing to apologize for. You are here now, and you are safe. That is all we are concerned about.” Aether leans down and places a gentle kiss to the top of her head, holding her tighter.

“Yeah, Darlin. You gave us quite the scare. It’s a good thing Rain is such a good swimmer. I would’ve been absolutely useless.”

“He’s a water ghoul, you dolt. Of course he would be a good swimmer,” Swiss laughs softly and reaches around to tug on his long ponytail earning a low growl from the gremlin who then shifts uncomfortably.

“Don't you start shit you can’t finish, Swiss,” he growls, narrowing his eyes. Swiss just laughs louder and winks at him.

“Who says I wouldn't take you right here on the floor, huh?” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.

Bloody Angel. Book 2Where stories live. Discover now