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A/n Queen, Ghestie.... I love all your ideas and input but I just couldn't be as mean as you wanted me to be. I love you none the less, hun! I'll let you rage out on a later chapter lmao!

Enjoy, everyone!

Song used:

The Witches Daughter- Ashley Serena


Annie gapes at her sister, her mind blank and eyes wide. Maybe she didn't hear correctly. Yeah, that must be it. Just misheard her. It's been a long day after all, and everyone was tired. Annie especially after hunting and being on her feet all day. Not to mention using even more of her magic when they were singing at the fire. She was happy her class wasn't until the afternoon and she would be able to sleep in. Poor Copia, he would have to get to bed soon if he wanted to get a decent sleep before getting up for work. His day always started so much earlier than hers being such a busy man of a high position within the clergy. At least he looked good in his cassocks. Good in anything, if she thought about it. Or nothing.... No! No, this isn't the time for that! She needed to...to...

What was she doing again? Oh, right. Lilit just told her something. What was it again? It sounded important but her mind was a bit fuzzy at the moment.

"What..?" Annie asks softly, gaze still locked on Lilit. the smaller woman flinches lightly and lets out a light sob before she sniffles, raising her head and wiping at her face.

"I'm pregnant."

Annie slowly looks towards Aether who gives a small nod. "I confirmed it just before you got back."

"That's... It's not possible. You can't...are you really..?"

Lilit nods and hides her face again. "It's why I've been so sick and tired lately. I'm sorry, Annie."

Despite her shock, Annie felt nothing but calm. Calm that was swirling with a gnashing rage that wanted to be let out and she knew who she would turn it to. Lilit was so innocent, she couldn't have known better. That ghoul, on the other hand...

Annie says nothing as she stands up, her face a cool mask of indifference as she walks back out of the bedroom, her hair waving in an invisible wind. She paused for a moment next to the ghoul on the couch. She didn't know what to feel. Mountain flinched, feeling her energy lash out at him and he meekly peeked out at her, ready for anything. Instead, to his shock, she turned away and walked out the door and past Copia who tried to stop her but she kept going, muttering only one word lest her threadbare control snap.


"Amore?" He tries to stop her. "What is going on?"

She shakes her head, a sharp laugh busting out of her as she sidesteps him, throwing her hands up as she continues down the hall. "I'll be in the garden so I don't kill him!"

"What..?" Copia looks from her receding form to Rain who just returns a confused look with a shrug. Copia quickened his pace and walked into Lilits rooms, pausing to look at Mountain who's curled more in on himself, still shaking while he holds his head. Rain goes to his side, sitting next to him with a worried look as Copia continues into the bedroom seeing Lilit crying into her knees and Aether trying to console her.

"Aeth, what's going on," he asks in Italian, quickly moving to sit next to Lilit, his hand going to her shoulder.

"She's, uh, well..." Aether rubs the back of his neck with a sigh, replying in Italian. "She's pregnant."

"I think I misheard you, Aether," Copia lets out a soft laugh, focusing on Lilit.

"Copia," she sniffles, wiping at her face as she tilts her head up to look towards him.

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