June 17 part 1

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A/n: Since things are still rather…hectic at home, I’m going to make a filler chapter or two (maybe three) before we get back into the main story.



Annie slept in after her early morning gathering and chat with Mysti, not waking until well after noon. While she slept Copia returned to his office to make a dent in the neverending flow of paperwork that had been building, awaiting for his signature. Seth had done a marvelous job at keeping it sorted, filling out everything he could leaving the rest for Copia. With the man’s help it took no time to get through several thick stacks. When early afternoon rolled around he dismissed Seth for the rest of the day after thanking him for all of his hard work.

“You have nothing to thank me for, Copia,” Seth says with a smile as he rearranges the stacks in preparation for taking them where they’re designated to go now that they're completed. “Any plans for tonight?”

“Just relaxing with Annie. I believe she has dinner planned for us with Lilit and Mountain.”

“How’s Lil Lady feeling after the other night?”

“Tired,” Copia says, stifling his own yawn as he sits back in his chair. “But, that is to be expected.”

“You guys are still staying tight lipped about what’s going on with her?”

“There is nothing to say about it. It is a… a witchy thing that Annie is handling along with Aether’s aid.”

Seth hums and looks up from the papers, giving Copia a doubtful look before shaking his head. “As long as she’s okay, I guess.”

“What are your plans for this evening?” the Cardinal asks as he stands, reaching his arms out to stretch before adjusting his cassock. “Anything exciting?

“Nah. Gonna have a movie night with Rain in his room. Swiss is letting us borrow his TV for it.”

“That sounds like a nice evening. I hope you both enjoy it.” Copia rounds his desk and takes one of the large stacks of completed paperwork. “Can I ask you something?”

Seth takes the other stack and shifts it in his arms as he heads out the door with Copia following, the Cardinal pausing to turn and lock the door behind them. “Of course, Copia. What’s up?”

“How is Rain adjusting to Kali being back?”

Seth’s steps falter for a second at his question, glancing over at the other man. Copia looks over with a gentle expression, waiting for an answer.

“He’s…adjusting. It hasn’t been easy, but they get along well enough.”

“And… what do you think? You know Rain best.”

“Copia, why are you asking?”

Copia sighs and slows to a stop, turning to face Seth. “I worry about my ghouls. I know their history, of what happened. But, it has been a long time since then. Lots has changed, no?"

"That's true," Seth says slowly. "But some things never change."

"I suppose. Here," Copia reaches for the stack of papers Seth is holding. "I'll finish up with these. You go enjoy your evening."

"Nope!" The younger man says with a laugh as he sidesteps the Cardinals reach. "I can manage. If anything you should give me your stack and go enjoy the rest of your day. You've got more ass wobbling to do tomorrow. An old man like you should take it easy while you can."

Copia scoffs with a mock look of hurt. "And just how old do you think I am, eh?"

"No idea. You could be ancient for all I know."

Bloody Angel. Book 2Where stories live. Discover now