Calm before the Storm

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Authors Note: Hello Ghesties!

Finally another update, and one i think you all will....enjoy 😏

I will be out of town for the next week and a half or so and am not sure when I'll be able to update next.

For now, I leave you with this wonderful chapter.

If you require a cool down, my ghestie SadSaltyQueen is available with a spritz bottle on hand! Hehe


Table set, candles lit, and wine poured, Copia and Annie sat down to eat dinner. Tonight Copia has outdone himself, having spent hours making nearly everything from scratch, from the pasta to the sauce of the lasagna that rested steaming on their plates, the cheese melting over it with a side of grilled broccoli and fresh baked garlic bread.

“You’ve outdone yourself, hun,” Annie smiles as she reaches over to hold his hand. “You didn’t have to.”

“Ah, but I wanted to.” He lifts her hand to place a gentle kiss to her knuckles, his mustache lightly tickling the skin. “We will be busy this upcoming week, so I wanted tonight to be special.”

“Every night is special with you.”

“Si, that they are. Eat, and enjoy amore.”

Annie nods and slowly draws her hand back to begin eating. When the first bite passes her lips she lets out a soft moan, her shoulders dropping as her eyes close. She savors the bite, licking her lips with a smile, turning to look at him.

“Vincenzo, truly. I think this is the most delicious dish you’ve made so far.”

He chuckles lightly and sips at his wine, a slight flush reaching his cheeks. “I am glad you enjoy it.”

“I enjoy everything you make. Even when you burn it,” she quips, hiding a giggle behind her glass as she takes her own sip of wine.

“That was one time and only because you distracted me!” He laughs, wagging his finger at her as he shakes his head. Annie’s smile widens and she lets her giggle loose, taking another bite of her meal, chewing slowly.

“Yes, well. One time is one too many, no? Still delicious. Everything is when it’s made with love.”

Copia nods and continues to eat, glancing over at her with a gentle smile.

"So tell me, cara," he pauses to take a bite of bread. "How was your day with the ghouls?"

"It was really good. Kali lasted all day in that dress and the girls made him look so beautiful. We watched some movies and ate popped corn, and then we played a card game. Rain showed me his sketches and now I'm back here, enjoying a wonderful meal with an equally wonderful man."

He nods, taking another sip of his wine.  "Si, Swiss sent me a picture of Kali in the dress. It did look good on him. You were in it, too. Laughing with a wide smile on your face. I'm so glad you enjoyed your day, amore."

"Sent you a picture? How?" Annie asks, stabbing some of her broccoli with her fork to lift it to her mouth.

"You can take and send photos on cell phones. I can show you some time, if you'd like?"

She nods, chewing her next bite slowly. "I'd like that. I might have to think about learning how to use those devices. Everyone seems to have one and it's faster than walking through the halls to get a message to someone. Though, I'm sure if I wanted I could train the few rats I've befriended to carry notes."

Copia sputters on his sip of wine,  quickly lowering the glass and raising his napkin to wipe at his lips. "Eh? Befriended rats?"

"Yes," she looks over to him. "They're quite common in the garden. Are you not a fan of them? Most people aren't."

Bloody Angel. Book 2Where stories live. Discover now