The Outcome

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Copia and Aether hit the stone floor with pained grunts, the ghoul landing partially on top of the man as the others already in the room let out shrieks of surprise at their sudden appearance. Ace and Mysti jumped up on guard before quickly easing their stances, eyes wide when they realized who it was. Seconds later three more bodies crashed down next to them in a pile, each of them groaning and panting, taking a moment to breathe and relax knowing they were safe. Their moment of rest was broken by Dew shoving Rain off of him as he scrambled to his feet.

“Lus!” He shouts in a panic, tripping over Swiss and his own feet in his hurry to rush to the infirmary. Swiss stumbles up after him, shooting the others a worried look before taking off out the door to follow Dew.

“What in Hell is going on!” Rhea asked, looking from the wide open door where the two disappeared down the hall to the trio still on the ground. Copia lay on his back, breathing deeply while Aether groans and rubs at his head in a confused daze. He hadn’t meant to phaze them so carelessly.

“We were attacked,” Aether says, carefully getting off of Copia, shifting to kneel next to him as he looks over the unconscious man. His arms and hands have returned to normal under his shredded sleeves, no longer a dark gray with black pointed claws and when he carefully peels back his lids to check his eyes the ghoul sees that they’re back to normal, the left one white and the right one a soft green. Movement just past Copia caught his attention and his eyes flick over to Kali who’s still cradling Annie close to him, tears running down his cheeks as he holds her and his brows furrowed deeply with worry. “What happened here? What’s wrong with Annie?”

“She… she started seizing,” Kali says, brushing loose strands away from her face, blinking his eyes to try and sooth the dry itch that was setting in. “She wasn’t well after… And then she came out here with the child and then next we knew she was falling and then she was seizing. Her eyes…the left one turned white and she started speaking in tongues. She only stopped just before you guys got here.”

Aether gives Copia one last once over before moving over to wave a glowing palm over Annie. Like Copia he gently pried her eyelids open to check her eyes and was happy to see they were both their normal blue, both pupils reacting to the light. Nothing felt out of place and he sighed softly, letting his shoulders sag and body relax.

“She’s okay for now, so let’s dry your tears. You able to take her to the bedroom?”

Kali nods after a moment and casts a worried look from her to Rain who’s still laying on the floor with his eyes closed. He would check the ghoul when he came back. He carefully shifts Annie before standing, walking her to the bedroom. Aether stoops down and lifts Copia in his arms with ease before carrying him into the bedroom as well, laying him carefully on his side. Stepping back into the other room he walks over to Rhea with a polite bow.

“Could I ask you to please tend to Copia? He was injured and seeing as Annie is unconscious…”

“Say no more, Ghoul,” the shorter, older woman says, hopping down from her spot at the counter. “I’ll get him patched up for you, and check over the girl.”

Aether turns to her with confusion, on edge at the stranger offering help. “Forgive me, but who are you?”

“Kiara. Healer. You’ll be seeing me around, hot stuff!” She says with a laugh, patting the side of his cracked mask as she walks by. Her words left him stunned for a moment before he shook his head, bowing to Rhea again. He turns to the pair on the couch next.

“I need to get to the infirmary. Ace, Mysti.” The two ghouls jump up as he calls them, Ace swaying slightly from the suddenness of it. “I see you two are hurt too but I need your help. Mysti go find Imperator, have her meet me in the infirmary. Ace, gather the squad leaders and have them head over there, too.”

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