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Monday morning everything started like it always did. Copia rose early before the sun began painting the sky. He lingered, as he often did, holding his fiery witch close while she slept soundly for as long as he could before prying himself from the bed to change into one of his suits and cassocks. Giving Annie a kiss on her cheek, he set off for his day.

Alone was he for the next couple hours as the rest of the ministry began to stir, readying for their days and going to the refectory for breakfast, after which they would attend morning classes or other duties and chores. There would be staggered breaks for everyone to get lunch before returning to afternoon classes and chores. Annie's class was widely talked about and her current students looked forward to her class most of all. If there was practice for the band it would be at mid evening, lasting until dinner.

For the others, and the band on days there was no practice, there was a period of free time before dinner in which many would mingle and gossip if not studying or completing assignments.

After dinner the siblings would gather in the common areas until curfew where they would return to their dorms for the night until the cycle would repeat with the next morning.

Copia tried to be home most days in time for dinner, but his work seemed to double and he was kept later than he wished more often than not. He didn't fret, though. Annie spent her mornings with Lilit before preparing for her class. If Copia was unable to return for dinner she would join her sister and her ghoul before returning to their rooms where she would page through her mother's book of shadows, the tome large and thick and packed with knowledge ready to be learned. Countless spells and incantations, chants and snippets of information behind plants and herbs and stones mixed in with random thoughts like a journal. Truly a trove awaiting for someone to learn from all it had to offer. Yet as she looked, she saw no mentions of any coven. There was much to go through so she did not fret too much.

Lilit slept most of the days, leaving her bed to use the restroom or bathe or eat before returning to the sheets. Aether would stop in at least once a day to check on and channel some extra energy into her, usually giving her enough of a boost to spend an hour or two fully alert when Annie visited.

And so went the rest of the week and the next.

Mysti was finally discharged after a week and a half in the infirmary and she resumed her duties with Ace to accompany Annie during her day, helping when she could and swatting off Ace when they tried to do her tasks for her, the ghoul still worried about their friend.

Kali had been included with the chores rotation and was often with one of the others while he re-learned the lay of the ministry, quickly finding himself at home. He would check in on Annie and Lilit if he had a free moment, but he, like the others, was not told anything other than Lilit was doing well and just recovering from overuse of her powers. It made him worry more though, still being in the dark about all that was happening. Of what has happened.

Saturday morning, the 8th of June, Copia and the ghouls set off as the sun rose to perform at a Ritual in Ireland that evening. Annie spent the day in Lilits room, left behind by her own insistence to watch over her sister, and spent her day preparing overflowing baskets of herbs and flowers for drying, cleaning and going through the book of shadows once more ever in the search for any information about covens her mother had encountered. It seemed like each time she opened the book there was a new wealth of knowledge, the passages all different from the previous times she examined the book. It was driving her crazy.

"Eldfluga," Lilit said groggily, nudging Annie's side with her foot drawing the elder sister from the book.

"What is it, buggy?" Annie looked up with a smile.

Bloody Angel. Book 2Where stories live. Discover now