Day of the Third Coven

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Thank you for waiting!

We're getting closer to midsummer! I'm getting anxious. What about you?


Song used:
Gently as she goes
By Erutan


Annie and Copia had a wonderful easy night after a delicious meal filled with cuddles and relaxing, doing what they could to keep their minds off what might await her the next day. Retiring to bed, they hesitated to sleep, holding each other until they had no choice but to close their tired eyes. It seemed like morning came too soon and they lingered far longer than they should have, unwilling to give up the warmth and comfort the others arms brought. Eventually, though, their sense of duty took over and they reluctantly parted but never strayed far from the other as they dressed and readied themselves for their days.

While Copia made breakfast - a wonderful omelet with sausage, onions and cheese along with toast topped with homemade jam and butter paired with sweet cups of coffee - Annie double and triple checked her pouches ensuring she had anything and everything she may need before attaching them to her wide belt along with her knife. Food consumed and coffee drank, she patted herself over making sure she had all she needed. One last look around the room she took Copia’s outstretched hand and together they walked down the hall to where they met Aether and Kali.

Their goodbye’s lasted longer as they held each other’s hands, bodies close and foreheads pressed together between soft kisses and words of reassurance and love.

“And you are sure you still want to do this?” Copia asked again, brushing his nose against Annie’s. “I would not think less of you if you chose not to go.”

“I have to,” she sighs, tilting her head for another chaste kiss. “And Lucifer said I would be safe, did he not?”

“He… did,” he sighs softly, hands flexing tighter around hers.

“Then I will go. I love you, Vincenzo. And I will return to you. I promise.”

“I love you too, Levanna,”  he whispers, capturing her lips in a deeper kiss he had to pry himself from. “I will see you tonight.”

“Until then.”

Another kiss and they parted ways, Annie to her ghoul and Copia to his. Again, like before, he watched the others disappear with a shimmer of muddied red as Kali phazed them to their destination and it was only after it faded he took a deep breath that hitched at the end. Aether stepped up behind Copia then and wrapped his arms around the man in a comforting embrace.

“Trust in our Dark Lord and the word He gave you, caro. She will come back, and she will be safe.”

“It will not stop my worry. My stomach churns at the very thought…” Copia sighs lightly, reaching up to rub at his face with both hands. After a moment he lets out a soft sigh and pulls from the comforting hold of Aether’s arms. “Let us go. There is no point in lingering here and I wish to see how Dew is doing since he never came back to practice yesterday.”

Aether nods and rests his hand on Copia’s shoulder, giving a gentle squeeze before he phazes them away.


Minutes felt like hours and hours felt like days for the Cardinal. His ghouls were in a good mood, although quiet, as they waited for their time slot to perform. Dew was the quietest of them aside from Copia as he practiced on a spare guitar in the corner. Eventually the time came for them to go on stage and, like before, their moods shifted as they focused on their task. Energetic and charismatic they performed without a hitch eliciting cheer after cheer from the rowdy crowd. Asses were certainly wobbled and taints were sufficiently tickled by the time they were giving their final bows. Copia felt good in the moment, sure that he had swayed many hearts and enticed enough minds for them to yet again successfully draw in more numbers. It was hard not to. Each ritual brought in dozens to the Ministry, ready to devote themselves to the cause they strove for. But more members meant more paperwork. More paperwork meant more stressful hours in which Copia would have to work alongside Seth. It had gotten easier with the man's help but it was still enough to easily overwhelm.

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