Dark Omen

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Authors Note: Sorry this chapter is on the short side. I hope you al enjoy it none the less!
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"Benedicat nobis, infernus dominus, in hoc infernalis hora. Hac nocte colligitur et da laudable et gratias pro libertate-"

The Cardinals' muttering is interrupted by a soft knock at the door. Closing his eyes he sets the paper down on his desk and sits back, fingers pushing his reading glasses up his face as he pinches his nose in frustration.


"I didn't know you wore glasses," a familiar voice laughs softly and instantly his stress ebbs away and a smile takes the place of his tired scowl.

"Amore," his eyes open and he rises to his feet. "What do I owe this pleasure?"

Annie smiles and nods down to the tray in her hands. "Seth was going to bring you dinner but I offered to do it. Hope you're hungry."

"Si, I am famished. You have eaten, yes?"

Rounding his desk he takes the tray from her hands, leaning over to place a quick kiss to her cheek before walking to the small sitting area and setting it on the table. He turns back to her and holds out his hand. She smiles and steps over, ignoring his hand and moving instead to wrap her arms around him. He hesitates only the briefest of moments before enveloping her in his arms, smoothing a hand over her hair.

"Are you okay, amore?" He asks softly. "Did your meeting with Papa not go well?"

She shakes her head, nuzzling into his shoulder. "No, it's not that. The meeting went well. Found out some things about my past that I'm still trying to process."

"Did you want to talk about it?"

She nods slightly before shaking her head, pulling back to smile at him. "No, hun. Not right now. Based on your face when I came in it seems like I interrupted you. I won't bother you and take up more of your time. I just wanted to say hi."

"Oh, Annie, mia dolce Dea." He takes her face gently between his hands, stroking a leather clad thumb over her cheek before kissing her forehead. "Writing sermons last minute is no easy task, that is true. But you are never an interruption. Never a bother. Sit, tell me about what troubles you as I eat."

She smiles softly and eases down onto one of the seats, watching as he sits and starts in on his dinner with a smile. They sit in a comfortable silence as he eats and she lets her gaze wander, looking around his office before focusing on the window, getting lost in her thoughts, her smile slowly falling and her eyes turning sad.

“Annie? What is troubling you, cara?” His soft voice pulls her out of her daze and she turns back to him, smiling lightly once more.


“Talk to me, amore.” He sets his silverware down and sits back, turning his full attention to her.

“Finish eating, hun. Honestly, this can wait until tomorrow.”

He regards her carefully, eyes glancing over her face to her eyes and he sighs lightly. “Annie, I can see how sad your eyes are. Please, tell me what is troubling you?”

She sighs and sits back in her chair, pulling her legs up to cross them under her as she wraps her arms around herself. “Copia… I don’t want to take up too much of your time. You’ve got mass in a few hours. I can wait.”

He laughs softly and shakes his head. Standing he rounds the table to kneel in front of her, his hands resting on her knees as he smiles up at her. “Your stubbornness rivals my own. Are you sure you aren’t secretly Italian?”

Bloody Angel. Book 2Where stories live. Discover now