
86 6 15

Author Note:
Back to back chapters! Whoot!

Strap in for the roller-coaster.

ElderGhoulette-- make sure you have tissues ready.



"Training?" Swiss spit out with a hint of venom to their shocked voice as he turned from where he stood next to Dew by the fire. "That's what you're going to tell everyone? That this was a training session gone bad? Need I remind you that all of us are injured in some way or another? That Annie is still unconscious in the next room from him choking her and overuse of her powers and Mysti is down in the infirmary right now damn near torn to shreds?! He should be sent to the pits for what he's done!"

"And send needless panic through the congregation by telling them otherwise?" Copia sighs and runs his fingers through his hair.  "Besides. You heard him as well as I. This is more than just him randomly attacking for no reason. I don't know about you, but I want answers."

Swiss' face contorted with rage. It was not often he felt such an intense emotion, certainly not towards Copia, and he was not handling it well. He opened his mouth to say something when a warm hand reached up to hold his, pulling his attention down to the gremlin who sat dangerously close to the fire.

"Sit down, Swiss," Dew says in a soft whisper, his warm brown eyes lifting to meet the standing ghouls. "I'm just as pissed but Copia is right. Panic would do no one any good and I want to know why he did this."

"But-" He's cut off by Dews eyes hardening into a sharp glare. Swiss sighs and looks from him to Copia and finally to the ghoul in question that's sitting on the love seat hunched over and slightly swaying with unfocused eyes with Aether standing behind him, arms crossed tightly over his chest as he glares at the back of his head with glowing eyes before he lowers himself to the floor next to Dew.


Thunder rumbles outside, low and long, and a pounding at the door almost went unheard. Rain, being the closest, stiffens for a moment before standing with a wince. A look at Copia, seeing him nod before turning to gaze into the fire, he walks over and cracks open the door.

"Rain! Oh, thank Lucifer!"

Rain stumbles back with a pained wince as the man from the hall launches himself at the ghoul, wrapping his arms tightly around his middle. He's taken aback a moment before he returns the embrace, holding the man tightly as he buries his face in his neck, breathing in his scent.

"What are you doing here, Seth?" He whispers.

"The siblings. Rumors are spreading like wildfire. They said there was an attack?" Seth pulls back and looks at Rain carefully, his eyes widening with worry seeing the bruising cuts, gashes, and swollen busted lip. "What happened?"

"I'm fine" Rain sighs, catching Seth's hand before he can lift it to his face. "Don't. Copia…"

"I don't care. I'm too worried about you to care if he knows. It's about time we told him anyway."

Rain regards the man, his brow furrowed lightly before he nods, standing aside to let Seth in. The man takes his hand, lacing their fingers as he pulls him to the large couch after closing the door and sits down, tugging the ghoul to sit next to him before turning to Copia. The tired cardinal gives them a knowing smile and a slight nod before returning his gaze to the fire, the bedroom door opening behind him.

“She’s awake, Copia,” Cumulus says with a sigh as she steps out of the room. “But she’s very fatigued. This fight did a number on her but thankfully no broken bones. Just some bruises and abrasions.”

Bloody Angel. Book 2Where stories live. Discover now