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Author's Note:
Whew! This took a while to write out! Just shy of 13,400 words!

I hope you enjoy!

Songs used:
Homeland- Celtic Woman
Tír Na NÒg- Celtic Woman
Soldier, Poet, King- the Oh Hellos


“Alright, love," Aether says, placing his hand on Annie’s shoulder. "Remember. Picture it as clearly as you remember it. Clear your mind of everything else."

Annie nodded and closed her eyes with a deep breath. She pictured the cottage, it's stone walls and door with the faded paint. She saw the gardens, the rolling hills of her valley, sounded by woods on three sides, a river off to the north. She saw all the various flowers they grew, all the colors splotched among the green grass. 

"This will feel a bit wonky, but don't fight it. Keep that picture in your mind. Feel yourself being there again. Will it to happen."

Again she nods and she feels him press his palm to her temple followed by a tingling sensation that felt invading, uncomfortable, but she kept the image clear.

"I've got it. Grab hold, guys. Gonna phaze now."

The group surrounding her all reached out to hold onto some part of his body and let themselves relax to follow Aether in the phaze. Her body felt like static for a moment, heavy and light at the same time, and when she drew in her next inhale she smelled a sweet breeze that was oh so familiar. Heart starting to pound with nervous anticipation she opened her eyes and turned around, tears instantly blurring her vision. 

She was home. 

“Wow,” Dew whistled, stepping over to her. His long and loose blond hair fluttered behind him in the breeze as he looked around. “This place is…”

“Beautiful,” Sunny finished in a whisper just as awe struck.  

Arms wrapped around Annie’s waist from behind and she leaned against the strong body behind her, blinking to clear her eyes from tears.

It was just as they’d left it, minus the snow. The grass was long and waving in shimmering ripples, the fields of flowers exploding in color amid the green in the early morning sunlight. The stone cottage stood unmarred on the outside aside from one of the windows being broken, the only building to be seen in any direction. On the outer edge of the valley there was a thick forest of dark emeralds from evergreen trees and lighter greens from the variety of trees mixed in. Bees buzzed, birds flitted about landing to peck at bugs and other things on the ground. Off in the distance there was a landscape of mountains of fading hues of blues and gray as their towering peaks reached up to the clouds.

“We’re home, Eldfluga,” Lililt sighs with a smile, stepping up to Annie’s side and taking her hand. 

“We’re home, Vorblóm. Let me make sure we’re alone, though. It’s been months and I doubt anyone would be here, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Everyone stay where you are.”

The ghouls look at her confused but stand still, watching as she pulls free from the arms around her and her sisters hold to stand a few feet in front of them. Taking a wide stance she brings her arms up to cross her wrists in front of her chest, pointer and middle fingers up, ring and little finger curled and thumb relaxed. She takes a deep breath and raises her right arm, the left lowering and pointing to the ground, energy thrumming and making the grass around her rustle violently as she mutters softly. Circling her arms in a wide quick motion she brought them to rest parallel from each other before throwing her arms wide, the pulsating energy around her expanding quickly like a shockwave until it covered the area, disappearing deep into the forest. She brought her hands together then, fingers curled into a fist with her knuckles touching and the shockwave bounced back before ending with a flutter of soft wind. 

Bloody Angel. Book 2Where stories live. Discover now