In the Dens

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Author Note: this takes place the same night as the previous chapter. Enjoy!


Rain yawned, rubbing his face as he padded from his den to the common area the ghouls all shared. It held several couches and chairs, some of which circled around a television and large coffee table. On the right side of the room there was a large fireplace that stood empty, the smoldering remnants of the earlier blaze nothing more than faint embers that didn't let off any proper light, framed by bookshelves littered with books, movies, and a variety of games. Tucked away on the left hand wall was a full kitchen complete with an extra large fridge and a stove. The counter housed a variety of cereal boxes, bowls of fruit and other quick snacks nestled between two microwaves and coffee pots. Cabinets lined the wall above, stocked with other food stuffs the ghouls could make if they were hungry. The thick central island held the sink and a dishwasher and was large enough to have a space for eating at. The whole area was dark, everyone else already in bed, save for a small rectangular glow that illuminated a pale gray face and blonde hair of a ghoulette curled up on one of the couches.

“Can’t sleep either?” Cumulus asked the tall ghoul who merely nodded in response as he reached up into the cabinet to grab his favorite mug.


“May as well. I’m not quite sure what to do with myself tonight. Usually before rituals…” She trails off with a soft sigh, shifting to her back and setting her phone screen down on her chest.

“Still adjusting from your relationship with him?”

“Is it that noticeable?”

Rain sets the kettle on the stove to come to a boil before leaning over the back of the couch to look down at her.


Cumulus huffs and covers her eyes with her arm. “I’m sorry.”


She shifts her arm slightly and peeks up at him, finding his sea gray eyes even in the darkness. “I don’t know… I should be able to hide it better. Should have been able to get over it by now. It’s been nearly two months.”

Rain just looks at her, cocking his head slightly to the side. His eyes search her face before his brow cocks up, wanting her to go on.

“I shouldn’t be as upset as I am over all this because I understand. I truly do and I'm so happy for him. For both of them. But these other feelings.. it makes me feel like shit.”

The ghoul regards her a second more before standing and going to the kettle, pulling it off the fire right as it starts to whistle. He pours the water out into the two mugs he had ready with tea bags and, after setting the kettle back on a cool burner, takes them over to where she sat laid on the couch, waiting for her to move so he could sit next to her. Shifting back against the arm rest she curled her legs under her and took the mug, sipping at it before taking a sip.


“Yeah, I did. I mean, I do. But it’s just not right anymore. I can’t love him like I used to.”

“So don’t.”

Cumulus scoffs and shifts in her seat, turning to face him more. “It’s not that easy to stop loving someone, Rain.”

“I didn’t say stop. I said don’t.”

“Will you stop being the cryptic ghoul of few words for once? We all know you can spew novels when she’s around.”

He gives a soft smile and a breathy laugh, shaking his head. “Sorry.”

Cumulus rolls her eyes and sips at her tea. “Do you even know love, Rain? Have you ever been in love like this? How could you possibly know what I’m going through?”

Bloody Angel. Book 2Where stories live. Discover now