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The next morning, Copia woke before Annie like he normally did. His body was stiff and achy from the performance from the night before, and he felt it as he shifted, his movement restricted by the wild mass of auburn hair that rested on his chest and the arm draped heavily over his middle. Tilting his head he looked down at her,  a soft chuckle bubbling in his chest when he could barely see her face behind the curtain of burgundy.

"Mi amore. Così bella," he whispers, fingers carefully brushing the hair from her face. She looked peaceful, a stark contrast to how she was the night before. This was how he wished she could always be.

Resting his head back in the pillows he closes his eyes, shifting the arm that's around her to hold her closer. Mornings like this were rare, where he could rest and hold her with absolutely no rush to return to his never ending piles of paperwork or meetings with Imperator. Relaxing under her warmth and weight, his mind eased and he felt himself drifting back towards slumber.


The soft sound roused him and his brow creased. 'No? Che cosa?'

Annie's fingers flexed against his side, legs shifting as she mumbled again. He frowned and looked down at her once more, seeing her eyelids move as her eyes darted back and forth behind them, her nose scrunching with a whimper.

"I've got you, Annie," he says softly, bringing his other arm over to hold her tightly. "It is just a dream."

She makes another soft noise, her face pressing into his chest. He talks to her, soft words of comfort as he tries to rouse her. It takes a few minutes before she relaxes in his arms, her brow easing to a softer expression, her cheeks slightly flushed. Eventually her eyes flutter open and she takes a deep breath.


"Good morning, Annie." He kisses the top of her head lightly.

She groans and rolls over onto her back, his arms releasing their hold to allow the shift. Looking up at the ceiling she rubs at her eyes, a deep yawn passing her lips. “Where are we?”

“At the hotel, amore. In Chicago,” he laughs softly, rolling onto his side to watch her. He props his head on his arm, fingers tangled lightly in his hair as he smiles. She hums in response and rests back against the pillows. “How are you feeling?”

“Tired. And,” her cheeks darken with a blush and she rubs her forehead. “M-my head hurts.”

“How about a nice hot shower? I can order us breakfast, then."

"If anyone needs a shower, it's you. You fell asleep with your paints on," she laughs, turning her head to face him. The rest of her body follows and she lays on her side, one hand nestled under her head, the other reaching out to rest atop his.

"If things were different I would suggest showering together, then we both could wake up more while relaxing under the hot water."

Annie's cheeks darken and she playfully swats at him before returning her hand to rest on his. He laughs softly and turns his over to hold hers, raising them and bringing it to his lips to place a gentile kiss to the back of it.

"How long do we have until we need to go?"

"I am not sure." He props himself up to glance at the clock that sits on the table behind her before easing back down. "It is still early yet. Plenty of time. Why?"

She shifts closer and he lowers the arm that's propping up his head, wrapping it around her as she nuzzles into his chest.

"I… I was having a.. good dream. And now I'm wanting many things at once again, but it's all confusing, so I'd just like to cuddle. If that's okay."

Bloody Angel. Book 2Where stories live. Discover now