Glimpse of Insanity

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And so we begin this final chapter.
Song used: Hell To Your Doorstep -sung by Thomas Borchert



“What did you just say?”

The masked man swallowed thickly before standing taller, lifting his chin up as he looked over at the other man with long black hair that brushed over his shoulders leaning against the mantle of a roaring fire, gazing into it. His hands tightened their grip on the wood until it cracked, head turning slightly so he could hear the masked man better. Even from where he stood the masked man saw the other man was breathing slow but heavily with barely held restraint. This was not good, but he didn’t care. He’d had enough.

“We managed to destroy most of the covens, but that Cardinal and his whore got away from us. Again.”

“That’s what I thought you said. Tell me, Draven,” the man leaning against the mantle says in a slow and low voice as he stands tall, rolling his neck but remaining facing the fire. “How many chances must I give you?”

“What do you mean?”

“How often should I rely on you when you continue to fail me time after time. How many chances until I no longer have a use for you.”

Draven, the masked man, huffs out a laugh as he shakes his head. “I don’t see what the problem is. They’re more trouble than they’re worth and a waste of time.”

“You know my plans for them. The things I have in store for my angel and the suffering I want to inflict on that man who thinks he has a claim on what’s rightfully mine.”

“She’s not yours and you know it. That used up bitch is nothing but a nuisance that’s better off dead! Let me kill her and let us be done with it!”

One moment Draven is snarling out his displeasure on the situation and the next he’s pinned to the wall behind him by a crushing grip around his throat that quickly cuts off his air supply, eyes closed tight. When he forces them open he’s met with two pools of simmering black fire lit with rage.

“She will be mine, or she will burn, and if she is to die, it will be by my hand and my hand alone. Something you seem to have forgotten.”

“Y-you are i-in-s-ane!” Draven manages to hiss out before the pressure increases on his throat, the edges of his vision going black as he claws at the hand holding him to no avail.

“And you so obviously want to die tonight.”

“Zachari!” His eyes turned towards the stern voice of the petite woman with long reddish brown hair that hung loose in soft waves who entered the room, seeing her face set in a displeased scowl. “Let your father go.”

“This… man is not my father. He is a constant failure I put up with.”

“He is still my husband and I will not stand by and let you kill him. Release him. Now.”

Zachari growls, bearing his teeth with a rage filled look of displeasure as he tightens his grip a moment more before he lets go, the masked man slumping to the floor where he begins to cough and drag in deep inhales of air, rubbing at his throat.

“Only for you, mother.”

She gives Zachari another look before going to Draven’s side as Zachari stalks back to the fireplace, taking up his previous stance as he gazes into the roaring fire. He ignores the soft murmurings of the other two, watching the flames lick up from the logs as his mind begins to drift. Images flash of flaming hair and bright blue eyes. Phantom pained screams that send a flash of desire through him straight to his cock that twitches to life but he grits his teeth and focuses away from that. Yet the images continue. Of pale skin, beautifully marred by his dagger and hands. Of what he saw protecting her within the building inferno of her pyre.

Bloody Angel. Book 2Where stories live. Discover now