The Second Coven

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They woke with the morning sun, warm and content wrapped in each other's arms where they lingered with soft kisses and gentle caresses, unwilling to rise and face the day. Duty called, however, and when they could wait no longer they reluctantly pulled away from each other to get ready.

Copia showered first as Annie brushed through her hair and readied her clothes. While she showered, Copia dried off and pulled on his lounge clothes - comfortable pants, a faded t-shirt and a Hoodie, he would change at the venue - and made them a small breakfast. He couldn't help but stare at her when she stepped out of the bedroom, changed into her outfit. Today she wore black soft leather pants similar to those she wore for her hunt. She had on a low cut mauve shirt with flared sleeves that went to her elbow and above that a black corset like vest that supported her breasts that had a flowy hem of plum that draped down her thighs in front, longer at the back. To complete her outfit she had her leather belt slung around her hips, pouches and knife attached to it and comfortable looking knee high leather boots.


"Mia Dea," Copia breathes out before hissing and pulling his hand away from the counter when the hot coffee he was pouring over fills the mug and onto his hand. "Merda, fa caldo."

"You need to be careful, hun," Annie gently scolds as she ties off her braid and walks over. "Is your hand okay?"

"Si, I'll be fine. You look…" He pauses in his cleanup to look her over once more. "I have no words. What is more beautiful than a Goddess? For that is surely you."

Annie rolls her eyes and waves her hand over the mug, drawing out some of the liquid and moving it to the second, empty mug before turning to walk to the shelves her herbs are stored on.

"Flirting won't make me stay, as tempting as it is."

"Can nothing tempt you, amore?"

Annie jumped as his arms circled her waist and pulled her close as she reached up into her jars. His lips were at her neck then, trailing soft kisses down to her shoulder and she shivered.


"Yes, Levanna, mi amore?"

"I love you. I love this, but we have to get ready."

He sighs and rests his forehead against the back of her head, holding her tighter. "I know. I can't get over this worry that is consuming me today. Promise you'll be safe? That as soon as anything goes wrong you and the ghouls get out of there."

"I promise. Let's eat so we can go."

After breakfast the couple walked hand in hand down the halls to the where they met up with Aether and Kali, the two ghouls talking with easy smiles on their faces. Aether greeted her with a hug and chatted with her while Copia stepped over to Kali.

"J'ai un mauvais pressentiment pour aujourd'hui," he tells the ghoul in a soft tone. Kali looks at him confused for a moment, wondering why the Cardinal chose French before the man motioned towards Annie. Kali nodded in understanding.

"Vous savez que je ferai tout mon possible pour qu'aucun mal ne lui soit fait."

"Juste… faire attention. S'il te plaît."

Kali gives Copia a reassuring smile and nods before turning as Annie steps back over into Copias waiting arms.

"Have fun today," she says, leaning up to kiss his cheek. "Drive those fans nuts and wobble your ass off."

Copia laughs, cupping her cheek. "You know I will. Te amo, Annie. Be safe."

"Te amo, Copia. I will be."

Bloody Angel. Book 2Where stories live. Discover now