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It felt like they had only been asleep a couple hours before Copias internal clock nagged him to wake and start his day. It took him a few moments to become fully aware of his surroundings, to register he was naked, laid sprawled on his back with an equally nude witch partially laid atop him, her leg hooked over his thigh and arm around his middle with her head resting on his chest above his heart, which stated fluttering and beating faster as he felt her warmth against him.  He couldn’t linger like he normally did, not with her so tantalizingly close to his. The temptation to touch her, to kiss her. To wake her and claim her body with his mouth…

Quickly shaking his head to clear it he carefully untangled himself from her, somehow not waking her in the process, and went to shower and change for his day, forgoing his cassock as it would be a hindrance for what he had planned. 

Stopping at the bedside he ensured Annie was covered and comfortable, gently brushing her hair from her face with his leather clad fingers to place a kiss to her forehead and cheek as he did every morning before leaving for his day. 


Annie woke up a couple hours later, gentle morning sunlight shimmering through the fluttering curtains, feeling well rested and content even though longing tugged at her, missing the strong scent of leather and incense, the feel of strong arms around her and a gentle heartbeat under her ear. She knew later she could get her fill, but for now she had to start her day. 

A quick shower to wash her hair, she dressed and set off to Lilit’s room to check on her, finding her younger sister awake and more alert than she had been, a wide smile on her face as she hungrily devoured her breakfast. Mountain leaned against the counter, sipping from his steaming oversized mug as he watched her with a warm smile feeling relaxed and worry free seeing his mate in better spirits today. Ace and Mysti met her in the hall once her short visit was over and they walked down to the refectory for their own breakfast, joining the others at their usual table. The only abnormality was the lack of Kali. Her multi ghoul brother was nowhere to be seen and the others hadn’t seen him this morning either. Worried, she tried to listen to her friend’s assurances that it would be alright before they went their separate ways for the day. 

She ran into Seth on her way to the gardens and he joined her, asking her what she’d like him to cover for the classes she’d miss. There wasn’t much to do, really, but she did have some notes prepared with a list of various properties to add to what they already knew about the plants she had already shown them that she promised she’d get to him before the day was done. Finished in the garden and laden with some useful herbs she would use today they went to lunch where the usual gathered again, minus Kali. Mountain was more than likely with Lilit, as he was every spare moment he had, but for Kali to miss both breakfast and now lunch?

Annie sighs and tries to focus on her friends and her lunch, going through her lesson plans with Seth for the days she would be gone. They walk to class together where she tells her students the week's plans, vague about the reason for her absence, before starting today’s lesson. She really loved her students- they were understanding and wished her luck on her search.

After her class she checked on Lilit again, spent some time with her when she was found to be awake and told her about her plans before Lilit dozed off into one of her naps, barely managing to tell Annie to be safe followed by something Annie could make no sense of.

“Be careful in the circle of shade. It will burn you before truth is seen.”

Shaking her head, Annie covers Lilit and gives a kiss to her forehead before leaving her to rest. Returning to her rooms Annie checks the kitchen looking for ingredients to throw together a dinner for herself and Copia. Aside from their leftovers and some snacks, there really was not much available to put anything together for a proper meal, so with a sigh Annie gathers up her papers for Seth and sets out down the hall where she runs into Ace and Mysti goofing off on the stairs, the taller of the two ducked down in a headlock and laughing as Mysti prodded at their side with her free hand. The pair jumped apart seeing her and gave embarrassed apologies that Annie waved off with her own laugh before continuing to the kitchens, her friends following her.

Bloody Angel. Book 2Where stories live. Discover now