The Final Coven

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A/N: Welcome back to the Main Story, ladies, gentlemen and other!

We’ve had a few easy chapters, fillers while I tend to my mother in her recovery. She’s doing much better, so I’ve been able to write more!

We are, sadly, nearing the end of Book 2, and what kind of end would it be if we didn’t go out with a bang?

Have your assortment of comfort items and tissues ready. It’s time to enjoy this rollercoaster of a ride as we coast through these next few, final chapters.

Mentions of death
Brief description of dead bodies of varying ages
Blood and possible gore


One day of rest. One day full of final preparations was all they had before the last Ritual and Coven and then, the following day would be Midsummer. There were no parties. No bonfires, or dinners with friends. The tension and nervous apprehension hung so thickly in the air it was hard for even the siblings to focus on class and enjoy their days. Even the normally delicious meals cooked by the kitchen ghouls lacked their usual flavor. Everyone was on edge, the ghouls on high alert, eyes open and looking for any sign of trouble to come.

Out of them all, Annie and Copia held the most anxiety. Their day was unusually quiet, each lost to their own thoughts without the usual flirting and cuddling or playful banter they usually held throughout their days off. A light touch to the shoulder, a gentle kiss to a cheek or a small smile and reassuring glance was all that was shared between them.

Annie tried to get her mothers book of shadows to speak to her again, but it remained quiet. Even the energy within felt lifeless, hinted with its own anxiety and no new information was brought forth. Copia occupied his small desk that was tucked away in the corner most of the day, reading glasses perched on the edge of his nose as he went over evacuation plans over and over, checking and double checking to ensure things would move smoothly no matter what location, if any, were targeted. As future Papa, he felt the weight most of all. He couldn’t fail his congregation. Couldn’t afford to crumble under the pressure, not when so many were counting on him.

That night they ate a small dinner together and after they showered and changed for bed they held each other close, finding comfort in each other's embrace until sleep eventually claimed them, and when the morning came, they were reluctant to part. To part meant that they had to face the real world. The final day before Midsummer when once again Annie might have to face the very real monsters lurking in the shadows.


“And you have everything you need? Your herbs? Knife? Did you need anything else, amore?”

Annie smiled fondly at the way Copia fussed over her, ensuring she had all her pouches on her wide belt, along with her knife before adjusting how her shirt rested on her shoulders and helping her with the laces of her leather bracer and boots.

“I’ve got everything, hun. I double and triple checked my pouches this morning, and again after brunch. I’m good to go.”

“I just worry, amore. You know this.”

“I know.” Annie leans over and kisses him gently, sighing against his lips as she pulls away. “We’ll be careful. We’ve got the same plan as last time. Me, Kali and Sage will go in first with Ace and Mysti staying behind in case something happens, then they can get help if needed.”

Copia nods and steps closer, resting his forehead against hers as he holds her hips. He closes his eyes and takes a couple calming breaths, letting her presence and scent relax him and ease his mind.

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