Sunday Morning

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"No, Sister. Don't you see? This works perfectly!" Annie says, pointing down to the sheet of paper on the desk. She was growing tired already of arguing with the woman over this plan. She simply wasn't budging no matter what Annie said.

"Copia will already be in the countries where these covens are supposed to be for a Ritual.  I'll take my ghouls and go talk to them, warn them, and then I'll be back where Copia is before the Rituals are even over!"

"They are not 'your' ghouls, child. I simply cannot allow you to do this. It is reckless and could put you in danger!"

Annie leans forward, palms pressed to the desk with a determined look in her eyes. "I need to do this. I don't care about getting your 'permission'. If I need to go by myself I will, but you cannot stop me from trying to find these covens."

"You need to stay where it is safe!" Imperator hisses as she narrows her sharp eyes, leaning forward as well to match the witches stare.

"You don't get it, do you?" Annie's voice is soft as she looks over the older woman. "Nowhere is safe. These are my people, and they need to be warned. If they were tied to the church you wouldn't hesitate to send word."

"You are right. But they have no connections to us, so I will not waste my time or our resources with this. We cannot risk the chance of losing our greatest asset in some wild-"

"Our greatest asset?" Annie's voice lowers, her eyes hardening as her loose hair starts fluttering around her head. Next to her Copia, who had been silent this whole time, opens his mouth to say something but Annie waves him off without breaking eye contact with the woman opposite her. "I am not a piece of property. Certainly not for you to use as you see fit."

"I did not mean-"

"Did not mean what? I can see right through you, Imperator. You think you know me. Think you have some kind of..of power over me like you do the rest of the church because I was granted sanctuary. Or is it because I'm with Copia? I can assure you, Sister," Annie's voice lowers as she slowly tilts her head. "You are wrong in any case and hold no power over me. If I willed it I could be gone before you could blink. I could destroy this place as I left the front door. What power would you have then?"

Annie stands up then, tapping her finger to her chin as though in thought. "No. That would be a waste, and it wouldn't be fair to those here. I wouldn’t hurt my friends like that. Not now, not ever.

"I like you, Imperator. For the most part. You have some decency and you can be kind when it benefits you, but do not overstep in things you do not understand. I am going to find those covens. I am taking MY ghouls with me, because yes, they are mine. And you cannot stop me."

"You are being ridiculous, child! I will not tolerate you speaking to me this way. If you leave to embark on this foolish quest of yours you will not be welcomed back!"

"Again, Sister, you have no power over me. You cannot make these decisions. Because try as you might, I will always be welcomed here. With open arms not just from Copia. But the siblings. The ghouls. Papa."

Imperator narrows her eyes then, her jaw set with a deep scowl as she regards the witch in front of her. She’d underestimated the witch, didn’t know her enough to resort to her usual tactics that usually made everyone cave to her will and she knew she was now backed into a corner. Papa adored the girls, and no matter how much power she held behind these walls, Papa always had final say. Weighing her options carefully hefts out a deep sigh, leaning back in her chair.

“Very well. If I cannot stop you then I ask that you be safe and use caution. If that is all, you may leave.”

Annie gives Imperator one last look over before nodding, reaching over to grab the paper as she turns towards the door and walks out into the hall. Copia glances over before moving  to follow, stopping as he reaches the door as Imperator calls out to him.

Bloody Angel. Book 2Where stories live. Discover now