Day with the Ghouls

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“I can’t believe I agreed to this wager,” Kali grumbles in ghoulish before letting out a hiss as his head is pulled with the hairbrush when it hits a tangle. “And watch it! You’re gonna rip all my hair out.”

Sunshine giggles and holds his head with her free hand, being careful while working through the snag with the hairbrush. “Maybe if you brushed your hair more,
I wouldn’t have to get through all of these tangles. Now shush and let me work.”

He rolls his eyes with a pout but sits as still as he can, wincing every now and then when she hits a new tangle, but he keeps his mouth shut. He was second-guessing that whole wager, but at the same time, he truly thought Annie wouldn’t have been able to shock him. He was more attune to earth than he was with his fire or water, and electricity doesn’t conduct through earth. He should have been able to ground the shock as soon as it started, yet he couldn’t. Then again, this was his little sister. He remembered how powerful she was even as a baby and toddler, how often his dad had to do damage control when she called the fire from the hearth.

“Where’s Annie? Why isn’t she here?”

“She’s got a meeting with Imperator this morning, then she’s getting your dress. You’re gonna be so pretty when we’re done with you!” Sunny giggles, brushing through all of his hair now that it’s tangle free before sectioning it.

“And you’re here, why?”

“Annie wanted me to do something with your hair to go with the dress and makeup.”

Kali groans and rubs his hand over his face as he slouches in the chair. “Nothing too girly, please.”

Sunshine gives his hair a light tug, making him tilt his head back as she leans over him with a wide smile. “Trust me, sugar. You’ll look good no matter what I do!”

His eyebrow arches in question, and he sighs again as he sits back up. He really had no say in any of this, so he had to trust her.

As Sunshine set to work, carefully parting his hair and braiding from his scalp down on one side in a loose french braid, finishing it with a small elastic, she pulled off of her finger. She was just starting the second when there was a commotion outside, loud laughter and talking followed by a small yelp and a growl. More laughter, and then the door opened, and Annie walked in, a smile wide on her face as she laughed loudly and waved to whoever was outside in the hall before closing the door and sighing lightly.

“I see you ran into the guys, eh Doll?” Sunny chirps with a laugh. “They’ve been obnoxious all morning!”

“How is that any different from how Dew usually is?” Annie turns and smiles, walking over and draping the dress over the edge of the bed.  Kali looks at it with weary eyes.

“Because it’s not just Dew. It’s all of them. Aeth, Swiss. Even Rain’s been abnormally not quite today.” Sunshine finishes the second braid and takes a moment to look over her work, making sure they were even and his shorter bangs hung just so over his forehead. Annie nods and looks at Kali with a warm smile.

“Hey Kako. Looking so handsome already! Thank you, Sunny.”

Sunshine smiles and fusses over his bangs a little more before stepping back. “It’s more fun with your hair. When can I get my claws on it again? I’ve been itching to since the Ritual!”

“I’d let you, but it wouldn’t last long,” Annie replies with a soft blush. Sunshine shoots her a knowing and teasing look, biting hard at her lip to keep from saying anything. The diverted energy makes her bounce lightly on the balls of her feet.

“Why does it look like she’s a tightly wound spring toy waiting to burst?” Kali leans over and whispers to Annie. The witch just laughs and shakes her head.

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