Tip #2: DO call a random villain you helped get away from a hero

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Grian closed the door behind him as he attempted not to drop the cup of hot chocolate he was carrying. Why is this- so hard to- oh!

He paused as he spotted two people stood nearby- two people who were stood very casually, in fact, considering that they were wanted criminals.

One of them was Momentary, who looked considerably less beaten up since the last time the parrot hybrid had seen him, which was about a week ago.

Stood next to him was a relatively short, woman (she was still taller than Momentary, though) with messy, waist-length ginger hair and green eyes. She wore a green face mask, reminiscent of a masquerade mask, with gold embroidery, and she had two vines and a flower stitched onto her shirt.

Namely Chloro, the villain with plant manipulation abilities.

Grian attempted to over hear their conversation, edging closer to the pair.

"-oh, and I forgot to tell you about this cool- bird guy. I was fighting Pituita, and he caught me off guard so you know, I wasn't doing too great, and then this parrot hybrid guy with like- dirty blonde hair- hit him with a backpack." Momentary finished in a rush. Oh hey, that's me!

Chloro glanced around, blinking as she spotted Grian. Crap. "Like him? He kinda looks like that." The ginger haired woman said thoughtfully, pointing at Grian. Crap.

The other villain followed her gaze, brightening. "Exactly like- yeah! Hey! Hi! Hello!" Momentary added brightly as Grian made his way over to the pair.

"Uhhh- hey! Hi again. You look... slightly less stabbed." The gray eyed man added with a laugh. Why did I say that, that sounded stupid-

"Yyyep. My friend Stres- my friend, who I will not name, has healing powers, so- I just told her I got mugged and..." The brunette shrugged. "Yeah." He paused thoughtfully before brightening. "I've been meaning to ask you something, actually!" Momentary paused again, looking through his pockets for something and producing a folded up piece of paper with a triumphant noise. "Have you ever considered-"

Momentary froze, staring past Grian. "Uh- Chloro- Titanium and Canis. Right there." Oo-

Grian turned around to see two heroes. One was the hero Titanium, a woman with platinum blonde hair tied back in a plait and a metal mask covering most of the front of her face. She could metalbend, essentially.

Next to her was a slightly taller man- a dog hybrid with dark brown hair and a gray and black masquerade mask. Canis, the hero with... heightened senses?

Canis was really just moral support. Decent at fighting, though.

Chloro swore under her breath as Momentary spun around, pressing the piece of paper into Grian's free hand. "Call the number-"

Grian glanced down at the piece of paper as Momentary literally vanished and Chloro just ran away as fast as she could. He unfolded the paper swiftly, shooting the heroes an awkward smile as they passed him before reading what was written on the note Momentary that had passed to him.

'I have a job oportunity for you. Feel free to call this number if you're interested :) (it's my number if you couldn't tell) ~Momentary'

Grian laughed slightly at the misspelling of 'opportunity', glancing briefly at the number under the writing.



Grian opened the door, announcing brightly, "I'm home!"

There was no response. Ohhh, right, Mumbo and Scar have jobs.

He had been out for most of the day doing... pretty much nothing, mostly thinking about the note he had been given by the odd time-freezing villain.

I mean- if nobody's home... The parrot hybrid closed the door behind him, walking over and sitting down on the couch. It wouldn't hurt to call the number, I guess.

After looking through his pockets for a moment (and panicking while thinking he lost the piece of paper), Grian produced the paper with the number on and switched on his phone, looking through his notifications for a moment before clicking on an app and typing in the number slowly.

Then, quite simply, he rang the number.

The phone rang for a few moments before whoever was on the other end of the phone answered. "Who is this?" Sounds like Momentary.

"Uh- random bird guy? My name is Grian, though." The parrot hybrid added thoughtfully. "Who's this?"

"Momentary. Glad you didn't type the number in wrong." The villain added in an amused voice. "Before I start- I can tell that you can fly, because you know, wings- but do you have any other abilities?" Grian blinked.

"I mean I can- control birds? Kinda?" The dirty blonde added with a shrug.

"Oh, okay, cool. So, about the job opportunity-have you ever considered becoming a villain?" Momentary asked slowly. "You can clearly tell that there's some problems with the heroes based on what happened with me and Pituita, plus you held a conversation with me and Chloro for more than ten seconds without running away and screaming, so you at least don't hate villains. Plus, flight is a useful ability. And... bird control. I guess." The brunette added wryly.

Grian paused, staring at the phone. Huh. I mean... I guess it would be kinda fun. And- I need to figure out some way to pay my part of the rent. Scar offered to try and pay for my part till I got another job, but- I feel bad. So...

"Sounds fun. I'm in!" Grian added brightly.

There was a slight pause, as if the villain on the other end of the phone was surprised that Grian had come to a conclusion so quickly, but then Momentary responded. "Okay, great! We can arrange a meeting for you with the other villains at some point, and then it's just a case of-"

Grian froze as he heard footsteps. "Uh- roommate here- gotta go-" He ended the call quickly, just as Scar opened the door. "Hey- oh wow, you look awful."

Scar, who looked absolutely exhausted, managed to let out a laugh. "Geez. Thanks. Work was- very stressful today. A lot going on."

"Uh huh. I see." If Grian was paying more attention and wasn't still relieved about not being caught, he might have noticed the burn stretching along Scar's arm.

The burn that was incredibly similar to the one Hotguy had recieved in a fight today with the flame controlling villain Ignis.

Funny coincidence.

If ya couldn't tell:

Chloro = Gem
Titanium = False
Canis = Ren

Also if you notice a title change

It's because originally I planned for Grian to text BDubs instead of call, and I forgot to change it

Grian Gotts' Guide To Villainy (and not dying)Where stories live. Discover now