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One day at school, Tommy walked with Sam, who pushed Freddie around in a shopping cart, and Carly as they handed out fliers for iCarly. Carly wore a red and orange striped shirt with white sleeves while Sam wore a blue flannel short sleeved shirt over a blue long sleeved one. Freddie wore a green polo shirt with long gray sleeves while Tommy wore a white long sleeved shirt decorated with small red stars, making up a large red star in the center of his torso.

"Check out our web show at," Sam said as she continued to push Freddie.

"Hey, watch iCarly this weekend," Carly said as she handed a flier to a group of girls.

"It's gonna be hot," Sam added.

"," Freddie said, handing a redheaded boy with a guitar a flier. Just then, Wesley, the beatboxing kid, walked up to the four iCarlys, still beatboxing.

"Hey, Wesley," Tommy greeted, handing the musician a flier. "Watch iCarly this weekend. It's gonna be a great show. You'll find it at" Wesley took the flier and continued to beatbox, much to Carly's annoyance.

"Okay, see ya!" she said loudly, causing Wesley to walk off. The four then continued to hand out fliers.

"Hey, Jeremy," Carly said as the four walked up to the boy, who turned when he heard his name, "you've heard of our web show, right?"

"Sure," Jeremy answered. "I've seen every episo - -" He was cut off by a sneezing fit.

"Flier?" Freddie asked loudly.

"Yes, please." Taking the paper, Jeremy blew his nose into it. "Thank you." He then attempted to hand it back, but Freddie insisted on Jeremy keeping it. "You're nice." Jeremy then walked off, sneezing and coughing all the way.

"Didn't he have a cold last week?" Carly asked.

"Last week, the week before that..." Freddie said.

"Why are we talking weeks?" Sam asked. "That lump's been blowing his nose non-stop since first grade."

"But still," Tommy said, "he wouldn't be Germy Jeremy if he wasn't sick for a day or two." Just then, a girly-girl wearing pink walked past with her blonde friend.

"Hey, Tasha," Carly said, causing the girl in pink to turn and face her, "check out our web show this weekend." Tasha then took the flier and looked at it.

"" she asked.

"That's us."

"We rock," Sam added.

"Um," Tasha said, "if your web show was worth 'checking out', I'd have read about it on"

"Wait a minute," Tommy said. "Just because iCarly doesn't have a review on Nevelocity doesn't mean it's not the best show on the web."

"Actually, it does, handsome," Tasha said. That little comment made Carly grow a bit jealous. "Nevel writes about everything that's cool on the web, and since he's never written anything cool about iCarly, I guess your web show's lame." The girls then turned around and strutted off, the four iCarlys glaring at their retreating backsides.

"She irks me," Carly said, not because of what she said about the website, but because she hit on Tommy.

"Me too," Tommy agreed.

"I want to do bad things to that chick," Sam said.

"You should," Freddie said.

"I will."

"Cool." Just then, Sam pushed the cart Freddie was riding in toward Tasha. "Whoa! Whoa! What are you doing? I didn't mean me! Look out!" The shopping cart then clattered as it crashed into something, causing Carly, Tommy and Sam to all wince in pain for Freddie before walking away, hoping Freddie wouldn't come after them.

iCarly (Carly Shay x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now