~Chapter Seventeen~

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"Come on.. get up Deku.." Katsuki stood and waited for Izuku. He didn't move and kept shaking his head to himself.

"I'll.. I'll help you.." Katsuki mumbled grabbing Izukus frail wrist. He pulled Izuku up gently helping him stand.

"Move slow so you don't get dizzy.."

Izuku stayed silent and kept his gaze to the floor as he stood.
"Ok.. good.. let's go.." Katsuki held his hand gently and walked towards the stairs. "You can walk down them right?.." Katsuki looked back at the dissociated boy.

No response, Izuku continued arguing with the voice in his head, instead of verbally he kept shaking his head in retaliation of what it says.
Katsuki took notice. As long as he's not in a panic attack, all is fine.

Katsuki slowly began down the stairs as Izuku followed.
They walked out the front door as Katsuki locked it.
"You ok?" Katsuki looked at Izuku before they continued to his house.

No response.

Katsuki sighed and began walking to his house gently keeping ahold of Izukus wrist.

Izuku followed behind leisurely. Katsuki didn't move fast, he tried to keep a slow pace for Izuku. After a few minutes Katsuki opened the door for Izuku.
Izuku froze and stared at the door step. "Hm.." he hummed and glanced slightly at kastuki
"Your.. mom is home.."  Izuku mumbled. "She'll kick me out agai- I'll just go back home.." Izuku muttered pulling his hand away and stepping back.
"It's fine! It's fine Deku! Don't worry about it, she won't." Katsuki quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him inside.
"She owes you anyways. She lied to you." Katsuki grumbled, anger laced in his voice.
"Did she..?" Izuku mumbled as Katsuki dragged him upstairs to his bathroom.
"Yeah. She said she'd still pay the bills at your house. And everything is off."

"Oh.. I see.." Izuku mumbled and glanced around the bathroom.

Katsuki started the shower and made sure it was warm. He turned the exhaust fan on and stepped back into the door frame. "I'll get you a towel and clothes. If you don't wash your hair at least just rinse your body down. I'll give you time."
Katsuki stepped out and closed the door.
Izuku turned and glanced in the mirror. His eyes widened as he quickly covered his face moving away from it.
'Damn you look like shit!! Ah ha!!'
Izuku furrowed his brows and turned the light off standing in pitch black.
'Wow can even stand to look at yourself. Jeez. You're so pathetic.'

Izuku slowly got undressed and stepped into the shower. Warmth consumed his body. A pressure on his chest and lungs felt temporarily relieved. He exhaled and rinsed off his body and hair.

The relief allowed him a burst of energy, he felt like he could shower comfortably.
He slowly scrubbed soap into his hair and washed his body down. He rinsed off all the soap and stood there letting water run down his body. He turned the heat up and sat on the bathtub floor.
He brought his knees to his chest and tucked his head down. The heat felt nice against his skin. He needed a shower, and the time to take it, was worth it. The heat helped his chest clear up, it allowed him to breathe again.

"Deku." Katsuki knocked on the door and opened it.
"Why're the lights off, you ok??" Katsuki set down the items.
"Hmmm.." Izuku hummed in response.

Katsuki exhaled in relief. "When you're done there's a towel and clothes for you."
"Mh.." he hummed again. Katsuki sighed and left closing the door.

Izuku took his time, what felt like forever, Katsuki decided to check on him again. "Deku? You've been in here for over an hour. Are you ok?"
Katsuki flipped the light on.
"Let's get you out now."

Izuku dug his nails into his legs before letting go. He sighed as the water was turned off. He wished to stay in longer.
"Come on." Katsuki grabbed the towel as Izuku stood slowly.
Izuku stayed behind the shower curtain as Katsuki handed him the towel. "Dry off and change. We're getting food after." Katsuki left and closed the door.

'He's pitying you. How pathetic. I'm vomiting it's so cringe.'

Izuku clenched his jaw and dried off. He leisurely got dressed and glanced into the mirror.
'Look at you, you look like shit.'
Izuku opened the bathroom door and walked out, he looked around then down the hall towards Katsuki's room. He hesitated towards Katsuki's room then sat by the bathroom door and waited.

Katsuki dropped shoes and socks in front of Izuku. "Put those on." He then went downstairs.
Izuku stared at the shoes.
'Not going to obey this time? Come on, you were being such a good dog before.'

"Shut up already.." Izuku whispered putting on the socks and shoes.
'You finally responded to me. How funny.'

He clenched his jaw slightly grinding his teeth. A new emotion boiled up inside, annoyance. Irritation.
Izuku stood.
He slowly walked downstairs.

Katsuki glanced at him and made his way to the front door. "Let's go."
Izuku stopped at the bottom of the stairs and stared at Katsuki.
"What? Cmon." Katsuki furrowed his brows.
"I don't want to lea-"
"Yeah. I know. Let's go." Katsuki walked over to him and grabbed his wrist dragging him out the front door.
"You need this whether you want to or not." Katsuki mumbled closing the door.
Izuku kept silent as Katsuki pulled him to town.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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