•Chapter Twelve•

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Breaking News!

"A Japanese airline, Nikkō. Crash landed before arrival to Shinagawa, Tokyo.
The engine suddenly gave out leaving the plane to go down with a crash. We have a reporter on sight. We switch it over to you Hinato."

The camera switched sight, first we saw a man at a desk, now a messy, smokey, eerie plan crash sight.

"We're current flying over to the crash, where there are ton of paramedics on sight! A crash like this is devastating. There were no signs of an explosion, and with luck like that, there are sure to be survivors.",

There was a pause whilst the camera panned over the devastating sight.

"Look at that! The front is completely obliterated. And the wings are no longer even intact.
Jinso, do you have news about anyone? What do you think about this crash, I'm switching to you."

The camera angle switched back to the man at the desk as he began speaking.

"Ah.. Hinato, plane crashes are already devastating enough. But looking at this, even without an explosion, it's still a bad crash. And it's very unfortunate.
I do however, have numbers of people."

"Numbers jinso?", The other reporter asked confused.

"There were a total of fifty seven people on the plane. They're four dead, thirty eight with minor injuries, eleven with major injuries. And four with no injuries at all.
Both the pilot and co pilot are dead, and two civilians."

Izuku stared at the tv not noticing the connection between the call and the news.

Katsuki furrowed his brows.

Katsuki hadn't a clue on how to break the news to Izuku. They hadn't mentioned it on the tv.

But the pilot, co-pilot, Inko Midoriya, and another civilian, older than anyone else on the plane, Hidari Fukawa, were reported dead on sight.

Katsuki walked back into the living room and sat on the couch looking down.
"Iz.. Deku..- I.. I'm sorry, Izuku..", Katsuki mumbled as Izuku looked up at him confused.

"Hm?.. why?", he stared at the distressed blond. "You have no reason to be sorry... so.. don't be sorry.. also..", Izuku paused and pointed at the tv. "That's.. the plane mom and auntie were supposed to take back home. But it crashed..", he mumbled.

"Ah.. Deku about that... that-",
"It's sad.. there four dead.", Izuku sighed and looked up at him. "Hm? What were you saying?..", Izuku asked.

"Deku.. they were on that plane.", Katsuki sighed.

"Oh?", Izuku sat up slowly. "Only four were dead.. s-so it's unli-", Izuku went silent as Katsuki shook his head. "Deku... I'm sorry... y-you.. look.. your mom.. she..", Katsuki looked down furrowing his brows. "She didn't make it..", he mumbled.

"My mom?.. Are you sure? That's- th- Kacchan- my mom- no she's not dead. That's- it.. there were only four dead. That's.. that's unlikely.. tha-", Izuku stood getting worked up.

Katsuki looked at him and and shook his head. "The call was from the hospital in Tokyo.",

He stared at the smaller boy, the one the would lack to even sit up on his own, finally standing.

Katsuki was, surprised. He knew Izuku would be upset. But not denial. He assume Izuku would become more lifeless than he was already being, not stand up, let alone on his own without issue.

The boy who'd stand and let his legs give out, now standing without issue.

"Deku shes-",

"What about aunty Mitsuki?! Is she ok? Is she-",

"Deku! My mom is fine. She only had minor injuries. Just- sit down.",

The greenette furrowed his brows as his tears began to over flow. "My mom really didn't survive?... a-are you sure?...", Izuku whimpered out, dropping to the floor.
"K-Kacchan... it hurts..", he cried out placing his hand against his chest gripping his shirt. "It hurts Kacchan..!", he cried louder.

Katsuki froze and stared at the sobbing boy, an actual emotion came out of him. "Deku... I.. I can't help..",

"I hate this.. I hate this!.. wh- why am I so unlucky! Why- why does this world hate me so much!!", he yelled as his voice cracked. He tucked his head down shutting his eyes tight. "Why?!",

"Nothing I do is right!! There's- Ugh!!", he groaned as his tears fell faster.

Katsuki stood and walked over to the broken boy and picked him up gently.

"Shh.. ok?.. you'll be.. fine..", he sighed and walked upstairs to his room where he laid Izuku down on his bed. "Rest... please..",

Izuku stared at the taller blond as more of his tears fell. "I'm alone...", he mumbled before looking away and closing his eyes. "I'm alone... im alone... I'm alone..", he quietly repeated to himself.

A few hours passed as Katsuki left Izuku alone, locked in the bedroom, he had a general feeling that he'd try and leave, so he sat by the door.

After the few hours passed Izuku had woken up, he ended up crying himself to sleep.

Izuku stared at the plain white ceiling thinking. He felt as his chest tightened and his stomach curled. Tears welled his eyes up once again.

The pale boy turned onto his side and curled up tucking his head into the bed as he cried out.

He felt regret, like he hadn't done enough for his mother. As if he could've done more. He had the feeling of guilt, like if he told her not to go she'd still be alive.

He felt as if her death was his fault.

Izuku sobbed more as he began to cough and gasp.

Katsuki walked in and over to the curled up boy and sat him up.

"Deku sit up... hands above your head... Calm down..", he grumbled sitting the crying boy up moving his frail arms above his head.

"Breathe... through your nose out your mouth...", he mumbled watching as the sobbing boy calmed down and wiped his tears. "I'm sorry..",

"Your fine.", he stood and walked to the door. "There's food downstairs for you. Come eat.",

Izuku nodded and slowly got up making his way downstairs.

He sat at the table looking at the food before him. "I-I'm not really hungry Kacchan...", he mumbled and looked at him.

"Eat. You weigh as much as paper.", the blond grumbled glaring at the smaller boy.

"O-oh...", Izuku looked at the food again and began eating.

Katsuki forced Izuku to eat all of it and he forced Izuku to go on a walk, just to get outside a bit.

They went to the beach in which Izuku watched Katsuki train his quirk.

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