~Chapter Nine~

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This guys quirk really puts a toll onto someone... I do believe that what he said.. about people not being able to handle the side affects of his quirk... are true.

I lay back against the floor and stare at the ceiling. I feel a soft pounding against my forehead, a headache. I close my eyes and contemplate whether I should get up and leave again... or stay and listen to Kacchans words...

I turn onto my side and glance at the one scar upon my wrist.. I don't regret it.. at all... I reach into my pocket grabbing the blade I once held before. It's so small yet so sharp and dangerous.

I press the sharp cold blade against my wrist and swipe slowly watching as little bits of blood starts to dribble out, I do it again, and again, until my wrists looks as if red paint was dropped upon it. A let out a weak giggle and close my eyes, sliding the blade back into my pocket.

'I told you it isn't bad. You can't feel that pain. Can you? And soon you'll be addicted to the wonderful unnecessary pain you'll inflict on yourself, do you regret it? Hm?'

I ignore the voice. He makes me feel like I'm going insane... is it normal to have a voice in your head that isn't your own..?

Maybe if I told kacchan about the villain attack he'd believe me..

I close my eyes and drift into a very annoying sleep. The voice won't ever go away.. will it...

After I drifted off I remember yelling.. Kacchans yelling.. I can't remember what he said but.. he sounded worried? No that can't be it.. Kacchans to hot headed for that.. maybe.. angry.. yeah..

Eventually the rest of the day had passed and then night fall came. Katsuki had cleaned and wrapped Izukus injured wrist and made dinner for them, but Izuku had stayed a sleep which had irked Katsuki a bit but he just put the left overs away until he does wake up.

Before Katsuki went to bed he had picked Izuku up and moved him to the side and made a small pallet for him on the ground, eventually when he was done he picked Izuku back up and placed him down and stood straight staring at the newly depressed boy. Katsuki sighed and grumbled a few curse worse and got himself ready for bed and laid down glancing at the time. 20:33. He sighed and closed his eyes falling asleep.

Night had passed and Katsuki was downstairs watching tv whilst Izuku began to slowly wake up.

"Mhh...", I stretched and looked around a bit. Oh yeah.. Kacchans room... I glanced at my wrist to find it bandaged.. well I certainly didn't do that... maybe... maybe Kacchan was worried... I mean- he made me a little pallet bed.. I nuzzled my face into the pillow. It's soft.. very soft... I laid there for a bit, I don't want to get up... I begin to close my eyes once again.
"Stupid Nerd!! It's time to get your happy ass up!!", Kacchan yelled.
"I'm awake...", I mumbled, as I yawned keeping my tired eyes closed.
"Get your ass up. I'm training today and I don't want to leave your dumbass alone!!", he yelled again.
"I don't want to get up..", I whined.
"Get your ass up!!", he grabbed my arm roughly and jerked me up.
"O-owww!!", I cried out. That was my bad arm.. I place my hand underneath my wound from the villain attack and back away. "That hurt..", I mumbled.
"It'll hurt worse if you don't fucking listen!!",
I nodded and response and stood straight looking down.
Kacchan began to go through his closet where he threw a zip up hoodie at me and a pair of shorts. "We're working out today. I have to get ready for the UA exams and if you want to fucking go to then you might as well train with me you Quirkless fuck.",
I glanced at him holding the clothes. "I'm.. not going to UA.. I don't really care about that anymore.",
"Since when?!", he yelled.
I shrugged. "What's the point in trying when you know you're worthless...", I mumbled.
Kacchan stuttered.. wow he stuttered.
"I'll train with you.. but I don't want to be a hero anymore... there's no point... I have no chance.. isn't that right..?", I glanced at him slowly taking my shirt off putting on the zip up hoodie doing the same with my pants, and putting on the shorts, he has bigger hips than me.. I pull the draw string and tighten them. "Let's go...", I slip on my shoes and walked downstairs.
Kacchan stood there baffled by my words.. I guess he realized I finally broke.. even my idol... the number one hero said I can't become a hero... so why try?..

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