~Chapter Thirteen~

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Months began to pass, as Izuku had spent most of his time at Katsukis house, being carefully watched by Katsuki and Mitsuki.

His downfall in mental health had been worrying for Mitsuki while Katsuki started spending more time training for the UA entrance exam, it had just been around the corner.

Katsuki had given up bringing Izuku along, and Mitsuki had been stressed out constantly watching Izuku, she's been on the verge of asking him to leave back to his house, months had already passed and he should be on his feet again and not mourning over his mother still. She understood how it felt to lose a loved one, but she thought he's been overly dramatic about it. She knows that asking him to leave would mean living at his old house, taxes still get paid and the house is already paid off. Mitsuki would supply food there if he needed any, because he shouldn't have to get a job at the age he is.

The entrance exam finally came around and Katsuki was more than ready, he knew he'd pass either way. Izuku laid on the couch of Mitsukis house as she walked over to him and kneeled down.

"Izuku hun.. I know your awake look at me..", she whispered as Izuku glanced at her. "Hm..?", he hummed in response.
"We've had this talk before, and you've done nothing about the issue... I told you that if you're going to stay here you'll need to help around the house... and you haven't done anything..", she explained.
"Oh... y-yeah I'm sorry...", he mumbled and sighed.
"Remember the agreement we made..?",
"Mhn?.. n-no..",

Mitsuki sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "if you aren't going to help.. you'll need to leave... I don't want to make you leave.. but you're not doing anything honey..",

Izuku sat up and nodded. "I'm sorry...",
"Like I promised I'll provide food and continue to pay your house bills.. but I can't have you here if you're not going to do anything.", She sighed and stood.

"I'll go pack my things...", he stood and walked upstairs packing the few items that belong to him..

It's not the Izuku understood the issue, it's that the only thing that he can hear, is the voice in his head, and the only thing that its telling him is that he's not wanted there anymore. He believes it.. and if he's not wanted, he'll just leave before they hate him.

It's not like Katsuki wanted him there anyways. And he'd be surprised if they were to go check on him anyways.

Izuku left with out saying good bye and walked back to his house. The house that he hadn't entered in months. The house that fills him with regret. He entered and looked around at the dusty location, as it hasn't been touch since his mother left for her trip. He sighed and closed the door setting his stuff by the door. He walked to his plain room and laid on his bed. His desk was a bit dusty, but nothing much other than that.
Katsuki's pov
The entrance exam is already over.. and now I just have to wait for a response. I know I passed. It wasn't that difficult. Although I'm generally surprised Deku gave up on his "dream". Although he could try and get into the support class. He's smart. Probably.. he doesn't do anything but fucking lay around. He lacks personal fucking hygiene, and he won't do anything unless he's told too. He's two handfuls. And I'll be busy with school soon so I can't watch him, meaning my mother will, and she doesn't have time for that. Although Dekus lungs haven't really been acting up.. probably because he doesn't do anything...

I walk up to my house and enter looking around. Deku isn't on the couch. "Hag! Is Deku showering?", I walked towards the kitchen, where in fact she was. "Hm? Oh.. no he's not.",
"Ok?.. then where is he? Is he laying in my room.", I turned and started walking to the stairs.
"No he's not. I had him go back to his home",
I paused. "There's- he has no one there to watch him there! Why would you send him- why would you make him- Why?!",
"Katsuki! He doesn't do anything here! I know he's your friend, but he's lazy! And being over dramatic and you know it! He's old enough and can take care of himself! I already told him I'd pay for his things. But he can't just lay around here! I don't have time for him.", she sighed.

I shook my head and left walking to Dekus house.

Deku doesn't have to energy to take care of himself. He'd probably lay there until he'd die.
I don't necessarily care that he's not living at my house. I'd just rather not check on him one day and he be dead.. that's not really.. that'd suck..

He's also not mentally.. stable.. I mean I knew this.. but at night it's just weird, it's not like a downfall unstable, he fucking talks to himself and shit. And just randomly laughs. Not loud, but loud enough for me to hear. A few months ago when he mentioned voices.. and the quirk, I thought it'd wear off on its own, but it obviously hasn't. I do however, regret calling him insane. And I probably should have taken it more seriously. But that was a while ago. Now all I can do is try and help. Or maybe listen to what he has to say.. that is if I have the patience.

I enter his house and look around. It's dusty as all hell in here, the fuck. He just walked through this..

I look around and walk to Dekus room and slowly open the door, and there he is. Doing nothing.

"Deku.", I watch him jump and look at me. "Why are you- wh-why.. yo-.. may- l-leave?..", he stuttered and questioned me to leave..?

"No. Get your ass up. We're cleaning.",
"B-but I don't want too..",
"Get up!", I yell watching as he got off his ass quickly.

"If you're living here on your own the most you can do is clean up around here. And then you need to get your school uniform from the highschool you're going t-",

"I'm not going to highschool... I'm not going to any school",
"Very fucking funny Deku.",
"I-I'll just get bullied! I don't want- I don't want to get bullied! I don't want to be made fun of for not having a quirk! That's not fun! But you wouldn't understand because you have a great quirk!",
He yelled at me. He's being aggressive..
"K, calm the fuck down. You still hav-",
"No! No! No! I'm not! And I won't!", he walked passed me and downstairs panting heavily letting out weak coughs and wheezes.
He's crazy..
I sighed and followed him.

A few minutes passed as I let him calm down, I changed the subject to cleaning in which he fucking responded with rolling his eyes and getting out cleaning supplies.

I swept the floors while I let Deku do whatever the fuck he wanted as long as it related to cleaning.

A couple hours did pass as I had finished all the dusty ass floors and most of the flat surfaces.
I sighed and looked around. I haven't seen Deku once since we started cleaning.. or if he had done anything.

Where the fuck is he though..

I looked around the house and then the upstairs room, I checked Both bathrooms, and in the living area, I peeked inside his computer room, and he wasn't in any of the rooms. This fucking bitch really fucking left didn't he. "Deku!! Come out!",
I exhaled and looked around again. Well there's only one other fucking room. This-

This idiot really cleaned his room and both bathrooms and that's it. Unless he's in his moms old room.. which would make sense.

I walk towards his mother room and open the door and looked around. There's newly broken glass, but I didn't hear it break..

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