•Chapter Four•

713 29 16

Izuku POV
Why did he save me...?
I just wanted to be let go...
I thought he told me to do this...
Am I wrong...?
What's wrong with me...?
My shoulder hurts...
It's bent wrong...
I just want to go home...
I hope moms working...

Oh he's yelling at me...
"What's with you nerd!!",
"Why did you save me?",
"Be- Thats your concern!!?",
"Yes Kacchan", I slowly sit up and look at my dislocated arm.

It hurts so much... now here are my water works. Maybe if I start smiling more he won't suspect anything... not now though... it'll make me seem insane.. Although I do want to give him the most realest smile and say ' Im fine! I guess I just wasnt myself for a good few minutes!! I don't know what came over me!', and then chuckle nervously rubbing the back of my neck.
But I can't.. He would never believe me.

"Because, if you die, I'd be instigated for a suicide. Which means I can't be a Hero. I could care less if you actually died or not, but, don't do it because of my damned comments Deku!",

I should have known, of course he didn't care.. He didn't save me because he wanted too, he did it for his future... Sometimes I wish he cared. But no. His pride is just to much.

I have to cough.. I don't want to right now..

I slowly stood up and walked to the door.
"Thanks Kacchan...",
"Deku your fucking arm.",
"It doesn't matter. I-It doesn't hurt that bad.", it hurts a lot.. But it not like he cares.

The door closed and I started walking down, also I started coughing. The coughing only hurt my chest. I usually bring a prescribed inhaler, but I've forgotten it so many times, so I only use it when I get home.

I walk out of the school and look at the Koi pond that holds my burnt and soaked Notebook.

"That's not fish food..", I mutter and shoo the fish away. "Give it back..", I grab my notebook and look at it. Then I think for a moment, thinking.. What's the point in saving a quirkless person if they may just die earlier on anyways?.. I mean, I know its a Hero's job to save anyone no matter the circumstances, but still...

Jeez, what am I thinking.. I may not be able to get into the hero course.. But maybe the support classes..

I'm on my way home, thinking, 'What were those voices I heard on the roof earlier..?', In all honestly Ive never heard them before.. I mean they felt so true.. Does mom pity me? Will a Hero really not come and try and save me..? Am I really that worthless-- No, No, wait--  I Responded the voice.. Why is my memory all jumbled, I'm confused.. No. None of it is true, a Hero will save anyone. No matter how terrible the circumstance is.. I mean All Might would save everyone, plus he would have support.. Right..? Right.

Just because I'm quirkless means nothing! All I have to is study, study fighting tactics, pro heroes and the new heroes. I should also search up on how they train their Yuuei students, and I should watch the old Yuuei sport festivals, I may have no muscle now, but I can train for the summer. I have many more months before hand. Screw what Kacchan says, studying and physical training can get me there. Kacchan might try and stop me, but.. Jeez, why doesnt Kacchan like me.. I just have to look forwards.

I know I can do it. And soon I can be like All Might, and save people with a smile! Soo--

I feel something grab me- What?!- Its like a goop?.
I try and grab the goop but my hands slip threw, 'its liquid?'
"Don't worry about what other people think kid~",
"Mh?!", I can't say anything! My lungs feel cramped, I'm dizz- was I mumbling again?!
"Calm down, this will ONLY hurt for about 45 seconds. You'll feel better soon~",
'I can't breathe' I keep trying to pull the goop away but its not working.
"You can't grab me. I'm a fluid, Its impossible Kid!",
It's.. getting dark.. black start to invade me vision, my body grows limp.. Am I going to die this way?..  Is this it? Not yet.. I need to prove that quirkless people can become a hero too..
"Thanks for the help kid. You're MY Hero!",
Somebody.. Somebody help.. help me..

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