~Chapter Seven~

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Izuku woke up in Katsuki's room, tired and confused, he slowly got up, he felt a slight soreness in his shoulder, that's when he remembered everything. All the memories came pouring into his head.

He slowly walked downstairs to see Katsuki on the couch, asleep.

Izuku's POV

I slowly crept downstairs to see Kacchan, asleep, on the couch, he let me rest in his room.. How can it be possible that he can look angry when he's awake, but so fragile in his sleep? Maybe if he looked like that all the time, he wouldn't be criticized.

Haha, I'm talking..

I sigh and start the walk back home. Yeah, it was down the street, but I had no motivation right now. I don't care when I get home or how.

Honestly I just want sleep in my own bed. And it's not like Kacchan will even notice I left.

'That sounds about right kiddo.'

What? There was a voice?

I frantically look around, but no one is here. No one is outside right now..

"Wh-who's there?", I stutter out.

'Calm down. I'm in your head idiot. Like anyone would actually want to talk to you in person.', the voice chuckled.

"You're probably right...", I muttered out.

'No kid. I am right. I'm always right', The voice laughed again.

I nodded. I'm talking to a little voice in my head. Ive never had a voice that would actually speak to me.. Usually I would just fight with my own thoughts. But this was like it was its own person. Although it sounded like me.

'Hey, you quirkless fuck. You're fucking boring to hang with. You think to much, and you're to quiet. Fucking entertain me. Or I'll entertain you.', The voice continued.

"I-I'm sorry... How would you like me to entertain you?", I mutter out again.

'Damn. You're even more annoying when talking. You know what just shut the hell up and stop fucking thinking too. You're so damn annoying. I can understand why 'KaCcHaN' doesn't ever want to talk or hangout with to you', The voice was stern..

"I-I know...", I muttered and entered my quiet house. I walked up to my room and closed my eyes.

'Worthless piece of shit! You're just going to sleep. No wonder no one has no faith in you. You're ugly, you're going to get fat if you keep laying around, whats the point in becoming a hErO if you're just going to sleep! Maybe you are just worthless piece of shit. No energy, you probably would get tired easily, huh? Because you eat and lay around to much. Fucking ugly piece of shit, get the hell up and entertain me. No wonder you're hated. Where's mother, huh? Oh, she probably left you too. Because you're quirkless. And that's why you have no father nor friends.', The voice rambled, insulting me..

"You're right.. I am ugly and fat.. B-But I can still become a h-hero..",

'Kid, you're useless. worthless, you have no meaning, no friends, you lack a family, you're fat, you're ugly. you're quirkless, delusional.', The voice continued..

Why has this voice just popped up into my head.. I want it to stop, but everything it's saying I want to believe... I feel like I have to beleive it.. The voice sounds like me, so its more believable.. What is happening..? What's wrong with me? Am I going insane?

There's no way...

This voice is so annoying. Why was I talking to a voice inside my head? I'm going insane. I-I'm..

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