~Chapter Eleven~

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A few days passed as Izuku would stay on the couch, not much movement came from him, Katsuki would sometimes drag him along to the beach so he could train and keep an eye on the almost lifeless greenette.

As of right now Izuku laid upon the couch staring at the tv.  "Kacchan..", he mumbled with a low voice. Katsuki sat on the ground below him scrolling through his phone, "what nerd", he grumbled and glanced back at Izuku.
"Hm... I don't feel good..", he replied.

Katsuki growled and rolled his eyes. "Who's fault is that? Hm. You never eat, drink, or sleep. You never want to do fucking anything you lazy fuck.",
"Ah... I never.. I.. I'm sorry...", he mumbled and tucked his head down into the couch.
"You need to shower today. Actually. Do it right now. And after I'm making you fucking eat. You'll feel better after, I'm sure.", Katsuki sighed.

"I don't.. want to get up.. today..", he mumbled softly exhaling.

"You say that everyday.", Katsuki stood and picked Izuku up into his arms. "I'm tired of hearing it. It's fucking annoying.",

Izuku looked up at him and nodded purposely going limp in his arms.

"You're so fucking lazy you can't prop your fucking head up?",
Katsuki grumbled.

"I have no energy..", Izuku replied back.

The blond rolled his eyes setting Izuku on the counter top and started a bath.

"What the fuck is going on with you. It's fucking annoying. You can't be so dependent on people now. Someday no one will be there to do things for you. Got that? What are you gonna do when I decide I'm tired of your lazy shit? Hm?", The blond spoke turning the water to a luke warm.

"Mh... I don't know... perish?", he mumbled and sighed. "Kacchan..",

"You- What Deku?", Katsuki sighed saving Izuku the stress of him yelling.

"I feel sick.. I don't feel good...", Izuku mumbled.

The blond growled. "Get undressed. And get in the tub. I'll make you some fucking food. Ok?", he said leaving the bathroom with a ready bath for Izuku.

Izuku slowly got off the counter and got undressed looking at his thin body. "Hm... why.. am I so ugly.. it's.. chub...", he mumbled pressing at his stomach dip and boney like hips. "Chub.. chub...", he mumbled getting into the tub slowly and sitting back relaxing.

He stared at the dripping faucet as his mind went blank.

Izuku stayed in the same position for almost half an hour before Katsuki walked in with one of Izukus favorites; Katsudon.

"Deku.", the blond grumbled before sitting by the tub and setting the bowl on the edge.

"Eat it.", he sighed handing Izuku chopsticks.

The greenette looked at him and slowly took the chop sticks. "sorry..", he mumbled and slowly took the bowl. He ate small bites at a time. It was almost as if the food was disgusting for him. He never felt hungry, let alone tired. He just feels.. blank. Very blank.

Like there was nothing to be around for. Like giving up and perishing was the only option. But then he had Katsuki, taking care of him.

The blond watched him slowly eat. Izuku ate about half in a very slow manner, he placed the bowl upon the side of the tub and sank into the water, his head staying afloat.
"Done?", Katsuki looked at him picking up the bowl.
The smaller boy sighed and nodded a bit.
"K", Katsuki left. "Wash your hair. I'll be back in a sec.", Katsuki yelled from down the hall.

Izuku laid there staring at the ceiling before finally sitting up and washing his hair. Izuku was rinsing his hair when Katsuki walked back and and stared at him. "You're hopeless. You know that.", Katsuki grumbled.
"Yeah.. I already know that. You're not the only one who tells me that.", Izuku mumbled laying back against the tub.

"Get out of the tub. Your clothes are in my room. Come downstairs after, or I'll beat your ass.", Katsuki left again walking downstairs.

Izuku groaned and laid there contemplating whether to get up or not. But he knew Katsuki would have no remorse, or hesitation when it came to beating him.

Izuku drained the tub and slowly stood up grabbing a towel wrapping it around his thin pale hips.

He dragged his feet against the wood floor making his way to Katsuki's bedroom.

He slowly dried his body and got dressed after then drying his hair. He let out a low sigh and sat on the ground, already tired from doing a normal daily task.

Izuku looked around and shrugged laying on the floor, he stared upon the ceiling as his mind went blank. No care in the world if Katsuki would beat his ass or not.

Time had passed as Katsuki entered the room to see Izuku on the floor. An emotionless face, dull eyes staring the wall down as if it were a staring contest.

"Oi nerd. What'd I say.", he growled, but got no response.

Katsuki furrowed his brows and squatted down picking up his light weighted friend. "Deku.",

"Hm?..", Izuku hummed softly purposely going limp into his arms.

Katsuki shook his head in disappointment, he sighed and walked downstairs to the living area where he set Izuku up straight on the couch, after so he sat by him and changed the tv channel to something more interesting.

Izuku groaned and closed his eyes letting his body fall to the side.

Katsuki glanced down at him and raised a brow. "Deku. Sit up.", he growled at the boy who's head was now in his lap.

Katsuki got no response back which had him pissed off. "Deku.",
"Hm...", the boy responded.
"Get up.",
"Not enough energy..", the small boy mumbled dozing off.

Katsuki groaned and sighed rolling his eyes. "The fuck is wrong with you", he mumbled.

A few hours passed while Izuku watched the news. Not much happening. But it's kept his thoughts away.

Katsuki had fallen asleep a little while after letting Izuku lay his head in his lap.

Katsuki was asleep, that was until the house phone rang.

Izuku blinked a few times in response and glanced up at Katsuki. "Kacchan... Kacchan... the phone...", Izuku mumbled.

Katsuki yawned and moved Izukus head standing up. "Yeah yeah.. I hear it.",
Izuku nodded and went back to watching tv.

Katsuki walked to the kitchen and answered the phone.
"Bakugou Residence here.", he grumbled.

Katsuki listened to the women speak, he was at a loss of words, he peeked around the corner and looked at Izuku and furrowed his brows, he then looked at the tv, in which Izuku had been watching what Katsuki was just told.

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