•Chapter Ten•

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I sat in the sand as I watched Kacchan train by himself. His quirk is so strong.. it's cool too.. I feel like is too destructive for him to be a hero.. but I'm sure he'll make it work.. he's smart..

"Deku come run with me!",
"Oh?", I slowly stood and walked over.
"We run until I say stop.", Katsuki grumbled as he began to run.
Why does he want me to do this?..

I follow a bit behind running with him. I should probably take it easy considering my arm still needs to heal.. but it doesn't hurt that bad right now.. it's kinda numb.

I gave up long time ago, and got a good lecture from him after. But he ran up and down the beach for a good hour. I could do it.. and besides I don't need to exercise.. it's not like I could become a hero anyways.. and my lungs.. are bad.. so maybe I can't do it..
Quirk or not it doesn't matter.

I glanced at Katsuki as he walked towards me. "Hm?",
"Lazy nerd.", he mumbled before sitting next to me panting.
"I don't want the exercise.. I don't really need it..", I sighed.
"You'll need it if you want to become a hero.", he looked down and messed with the sand beneath us.
"I know.. but.. I don't really care..",
"Lazy.", he mumbled.
"Ok and?",
"You're better off fucking dead Deku.",

I stared at him for a few second before standing. "Yeah. I know.", I mumbled before walking away.
I heard as he quickly stood and turned around. But I ignored and quickly ran off before he could chase behind. I'm not sure where to go. But it definitely not home.. besides.. no even wants me there.

I run to the park Kacchan and I used to play at when we were kids. I pant softly letting out weak coughs as I sit beneath the slide.
I calm my breathing and lay down relaxing.

KaCchaN here is right. You ran to be alone, so you could be lazy.
Damn you really are better of dead. All you want to do is sleep.

Shut up...

You can't make me, you worthless low life bitch. I'm sorry to inform your pathetic ass.. but you're worth nothing but dirt,

"Shut up..",


"Shut up..!", I growl louder.

Can you make me though? Hm? Low li-

"Shut up!!", I yell placing my hands upon my head gripping my hair.

Babies gonna cry? Hm-

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!", I yell unaware of where I am.
"Just shut up!", I yell more hitting my palms against my head.

"Deku!", I hear a gravely voice yell. A one and only too.

I tense and go quiet.

"Who are you yelling at. There's no one here..", he grumbled walking closer.

"Ka- th-the voice..", I mumbled plainly, then realizing what I had said. "Tha- that's not-... I-..", I stutter knowing he thinks I'm crazy.

"The.. voice?.. in your head? You- you're telling yourself to shut up? Are you retarded?", he insulted me.

I tucked my head down and shook my head. "Would he believe me.. would he believe me... if I told him about that villain attack...",

No. Besides you're to pussy to tell him anyways. You fear to ask. You fear to speak. You fear to open up. And you fear the truth.
Isn't that right?

"yes.. it.. it is...", I mumbled replying.

"Deku?", Kacchan asked as I ignored him.

You know. That you'll fail at everything you do.
E. V. E. R. Y. T. H. I. N. G.

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