~Chapter One~

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His eyes widened in amazement at Katsuki's newly found quirk. "Wow Kacchan! Your quirk is so cool! I hope mine is just as cool!", Izuku yelled, as Katsuki showed off his quirk. "Come on Izuku, your quirk will never be as cool as mine.", Katsuki said proudly still showing off his quirk. Izuku just stayed silent admiring it the small explosions coming from Katsuki's hands.

Katsuki and his two other friends along with Izuku walked along a curved log over a shallow river.

Katsuki was showing off his quirk while Izuku still gave him many compliments. "Kacchan how does your quirk work? It's so cool!", Izuku yelled still astonished.
"I don't know Izuku, but where's your quirk? Huh?", Katsuki and the other two looked back at him.

Katsuki's other two friends didn't like Izuku. But after Katsuki had ask such an obvious question, Izuku just simply said, "I'm not sure Kacchan but I know it'll come soon!", Izuku smiled big and flung his arms up giggling some, but had lost his footing from the log they had been standing on, and slipped falling into the water.
"Clumsy Izuku! Watch your footing!", Katsuki yelled.

Izuku stood slowly and nodded softly. His body soaked in water, he frowned and wiped gravel off of his scraped and wet knees
"Come on Izuku! You're so slow!", Katsuki yelled.
"I'm coming Kacchan.", Izuku crawled out of the water shivering slightly, then ran over.
"I'm wet Kacchan.. We should probably go back...",
"Izuku, just don't be so clumsy! your not dying! So stop being so weak Izuku!",
Izuku nodded in acknowledgment. Katsuki's other friends laughed.
"Kacchan. I think I should just go back instead, Mom is probably waiting for me. Bye.", Izuku said running off back towards the park.
"Bye Izuku.", he rolled his eyes, and continued chatting with his friends.

-Few months later-

Izuku still hadn't developed his quirk, as all the other students in his class have already gotten their quirks and were showing them off.

Mrs Inko Midoriya was starting to get worried over Izukus lack of a quirk. So she had taken him to a Doctor to talk about it and to see if he was just a late bloomer. But when they got the news Mrs Inko Midoriya was absolutely surprised and quite upset that her son, Izuku Midoriya, would never get a quirk anytime in the near future. This news, for Izuku, completely broke him and his dream. He had looked up to Katsuki's quirk for some time now, and kept telling Katsuki he would get his quirk soon. But now, it was just a lie. A fat lie. Why Izuku? All he ever wanted was to become a hero with Katsuki, now all is crushed, and he won't ever get the quirk he had so dearly hoped for.

The next day Izuku has arrived at school, still upset and frozen from the awful news that was brought to him the day before.

Izuku just stayed sitting on the ground as they wonder what was wrong with him. Until;
"Hey Izuku!", Katsuki walked over and sat with his friend.
Izuku glanced up at the Ash blond boy.
"What's wrong Izuku? Did you finally discover your quirk?! Is it not what you wanted Izuku??", Young Katsuki asked many questions to see what was wrong with his friend.
"Izuku?? Answer me!",
Izuku just stared blankly at him then opened his mouth.
"I don't have... one..", he mumbled under a whisper.
"What?", Katsuki asked.
"I-I don't have a quirk Kacchan.",
"What do you mean Izuku! Everyone has a quirk!", Katsuki yelled.
"Not me.",
"Hm. Quirkless Izuku.",
Izuku nodded.
"Quirkless Izuku. How are you going to become a hero with out a quirk! You'll never become a hero without one!", Katsuki yells at him. And Izuku just stayed silent.

The day passed and Katsuki just stopped talking to Izuku. Because, Katsuki knew that Izuku didn't have a quirk and that it was a waste of time to be his friend. He seemed to want to be one if the popular kids so had friends with strongish quirks. Everyone seemed to stray away from Izuku thinking from there young little minds that he was 'contagious', thinking that just talking to him would remove their quirks.

A few weeks passed and Izuku started and tried talking to Katsuki again.
"Hi Kacchan!", Izuku had ran up to him.
"What Izuku- Actually I have a better name for you!", Katsuki grinned.
"What's that Kacchan?", Izuku asked.
"Since you a have a name for me, now I can have a name for you. Quirkless Izuku. Useless and Worthless! So- Deku! That's your name! Deku!", Katsuki grinned laughing. "It matches perfectly! Doesn't it, Deku?", Katsuki continued.

A few months passed and Izuku had gotten used to his new name 'Deku', although the meaning behind it hurt him a little Katsuki never really bullied him, until-

"Deku! Why are you in my sand! Get up! This is my area!", Katsuki yelled as his two friends stood behind him.
"I-Oh I'm sorry Kacchan, let me get up", Izuku quickly scrambled to his feet just to get pushed over again.
"Ugh.. I-I was getting up..", Izuku complained.
"You shouldn't have been here in the first place Deku!", Katsuki punched his hand as an explosion bursted from it.
Izuku quickly got to his feet again and was shoved backwards.
"I'm sorry Kacchan! I'm leaving!", Izuku whined.
"Useless Izuku! How are you even going to get away without a quirk! Your nothing special! I can't believe I ever really talk to some like you, Deku!", Katsuki yelled, breaking Izuku within each hurtful word.
Izuku really believed they were still friends until that statement.
"Your worthless Deku! You have no quirk! Quirkless Izuku! So worthless! What gave you the right to come on to my area of the play ground!", Katsuki yelled, as his hands created mini explosions walking towards Izuku.
"I'm sorry Kacchan!", Izuku once again scrambled to his feet and stepped back. "I'll leave!", Izuku yelled, now fearing Katsuki's Quirk as he ran.
Soon enough Izuku was tackled and shoved to the ground by Katsuki, "Ugh!", Izuku yelped as he was tackled, his chin hit a rock and it busted open. "K-Kacchan stop!", Izuku cried.
Katsuki created explosions from his hand which quickly disappeared when he saw blood below Izuku that fell from his chin.
"Deku stop bleeding everywhere!",
Izuku slowly got up pushing Katsuki back and ran back to class and inform the teacher the he had 'fallen' and he was sent to the nurses office then sent home early.
Once Izuku got home he claimed he was tired. Now Mrs Inko Midoriya tucked him in and told him goodnight. Izuku laid in bed. He said  he was tired although he wasn't. Soon hours past thinking about the names Katsuki would continuously tell him until he fell asleep.

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(Word Count: 1166)

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