~Chapter Three~

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~A Week Later~
(After The First Two weeks)
Inko was in the hospital room with Izuku, and Mitsuki was also with Inko, as Katsuki was at school.

The doctor in the room was messing the the wires and checking the machines.

Meanwhile at the hospital Izuku fluttered his eyes open and looked around feeling sharp pains in his chest and started coughing violently; coughing up blood.

Inko freaked out watching the crimson liquids spout out of her sons mouth.

The doctor told her not to worry for it was only his lungs and heart.

Izukus coughing soon stopped and the doctor wiped the blood.
"Izuku, dear? Are you ok?", Inko asked.
Izuku looked over and nodded some. Then his eyes watered remembering what happened, and how he failed to please and fulfill Katsuki's request.
Inko worried for her crying son. "What's wrong Izuku?..",
"I-it just hurts mommy...", Izuku lied, it didn't hurt all that bad. But he didn't want to tell his mother why he was really crying.
"Then do you mind telling me why you did what you did?", Inko asked.
Mitsuki watched then bowed leaving. "I'll see you later Inko.",
Inko nodded then looked at her bedridden son.
"I-I can't remember mommy.. I'm sorry..", Izuku reply, "but I want to go home.",
Inko looked at the doctor and she nodded leaving a medicine by Izukus already folded clothes.

"Yes hun we can leave. And you'll start school again next week.",
Izuku nodded and looked down slowly sitting up coughing.

After some time the doctor walked back in and informed Inko about all the casualties of her son.
how he'll have to eat
no extreme physical activities
Nothing that will accelerate his breathing or heart rate
And that he will need a checkup every three months.

Few weeks later everyone understood Izukus case and still just left him alone, although Katsuki didn't give any fucks about Izukus fragile health.


Katsuki walked up to Izuku as he sat on a bench looking down and kicked his legs softly.
"Deku!", Katsuki Yelled.
Izuku looked up at Him. "Yes K-Kacchan?",
And then the usual name calling and hitting continued. Izuku held his coughs in like usual. He hated the attention he got from when he coughed, so he painfully held them in.

-_~Time Skip~_-
-~Middle School~-
+Last Day+

"Since you're all third years, it's time for you to think seriously about your future.", the teacher said.
"Id pass out further application hand outs, but-", he threw the papers up as they all scattered "- I already know you guys want to enter the Hero course!", the teacher exclaimed as all the students showed off there quirks.
"Yes, yes, you all have wonderful Quirks! But using your powers at school is against the rules!", The class settled down until Katsuki yelled. "Teach! Don't lump me with all these losers. I'm not gonna be stuck at the bottom with the rest of these rejects!"
"Bakugo Katsuki!!" the class yelled at him.
"That was uncalled for, Katsuki!" The teacher said
"Yeah, yeah! You all should shut up like the extras you are!" Katsuki continued.

"Oh, if I remember correctly, you wanted to go to UA?"
"High, right, Bakugo? UA?" Someone asked.
"That national school?! It was in the top 0." Someone murmured.
"2% this year, you know! Their acceptance rate's always really low, too!", someone yelled.
Katsuki stood in his desk and pointed at himself letting his pride consume him, "That's exactly why you guys are just extras! I aced the mock test! I'm the only one at this school who could possibly get into UA. I'll definitely surpass All Might and become the top hero! My name'll be inscribed on the list of top earne-", Katsuki was cut off by the teacher.
"Oh yeah, Midoriya wanted to go to UA too, right?",
"Huh? Midoriya? No way! You can't get into the hero course just by studying!" Someone yelled.
"Th-They got rid of that rule! There's just no pr-precedent" Izuku tried to reason.

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