•Chapter Two•

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After a few continuous months of bullying, Izuku just start to tolerate it. He now knew that Katsuki hated him dearly and so did Katsuki's friend. Izuku was constantly sad despite his age.

~End Of Day Recess~

Izuku was sitting in a bench when Katsuki yelled to him. "Aye Deku!!", Katsuki stomped over.
Izuku glanced up every so slightly then looked down again kicking his legs softly. "y-yes k-Kacchan..?", Izuku got a stuttering habit in the few months Katsuki had been bullying him.

Katsuki grabbed the rim of his shirt and pulled him up. "Stupid Deku! So lonely! No one even talks to him!", Katsuki and his friends laughed.
Of course, Izuku nodded as tears formed. He thought about his lack of friends and how lonely he was. All he ever wanted was good friends but he couldn't even make one.
"Worthless Izuku!! Learn to make some friends!", he laughed and shoved Izuku to the ground. Izuku's tears fell as Katsuki continued to yell at him.
"Why can't you make any friends huh?! Why are you so lonely?!- OH! that's right.", Katsuki grinned. "Because your a Deku.", he teased. "A useless, boring, worthless, Deku. Now one wants you Deku. You have no friends! And no want to hang out with a Quirkless wannabe!", Katsuki continued.

Izuku looked up at him. "Wh-Why are y-you so me-mean to me..", Izuku got up and ran away.
"Running won't do anything Stupid Deku! But disappearing will! Your a bad guy! Bad guys don't deserve friends! Deku!!", Katsuki laughed. Not knowing his words would leave such a huge impact on Izuku's little life.

Mrs Inko Midoriya brought her little Izuku home and told him that she would be back late. Izuku nodded and went upstairs thinking about what Katsuki said as his mom left for work.

No wants a Quirkless Wannabe
You're a bad guy
Bad guys don't deserve friends

'Is that was I was, a Quirkless wannabe?'  Izuku thought to himself. 'A bad guy, bad guys don't deserve happy things, or to live...'

He ran into the laundry room.
'No one loves me'
'I have no friends'
'I'm worthless'
'I should just disappear'
'Kacchans right'
'He's always right!, I am just a Stupid Deku'
'A bad guy'

Young Izuku let that repeat not knowing what he was doing. He grabbed multiple cleaning liquids that said 'DO NOT GIVE TO CHILDREN'. He grabbed a small cup and mixed them not knowing what it could do to him. Although he didn't care. He mixed about Six of them making this thick concoction of deathly liquids. He looked at one more and it's said 'KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN, MAY LEAD TO DEATH OF CHILD IF INGESTED',  But all he read was, 'Keep away', and knew it must've been dangerous 'this would surely kill bad guys'. He added it to the concoction making it thicker, it was a dark green almost black color.

"I'm just a Stupid Deku", Izuku said before he looked at the time realizing his mom would be on her way home by now.

Izuku was already crying at this point. Scared, but ready. He looks at his concoction he had made and took a huge gulp out of it and gasped inhaling a small portions of it and dropped the cup as it fell and splattered on the floor. Almost Immediately he felt the agonizing burning feeling go down his throat and down to his stomach and in his chest as he started coughing violently. He fell to the ground screaming in unbearable pain and soon enough lost consciousness as blood dripped from his mouth.

After a 20 minutes Mrs Inko Midoriya pulled up and started walking into the house. "Izuku, Love, I'm home!", she walked in and walked upstairs to his All Might themed room. "Izuku Honey?", she asked again. Not seeing her little boy in his bed. She saw the laundry room door opened and walks to it looking inside, "Izu— Izuku?!", she looked at her little boy terrified and all the dangerous chemicals around him. She screamed and call 9-1-1 Immediately and explained what she had saw, then quickly pick up her little boy and ran out the front door, spastically looking around until the Ambulance arrived and took him. They told Inko she wasn't allowed in the vehicle. She nodded freaking out as the ambulance left and ran her way to her closest friends house. Mitsuki Bakugo.

Inko knocked on the door and heard heavy yelling, although Inko was used to this yelling, the panicked state she was in, didn't help. Soon enough Mitsuki open the door.
"Inko? Why are you crying? What happened", Katsuki looked around his mom and looked at the fairly skinny women, green eyes, and long green hair.
'I remember, Dekus mom.' Katsuki thought.

Inko explained the issue to Mitsuki and they quickly headed there way to the hospital together. Bringing Katsuki along aswell.

'Wow, he actually tried to make himself disappear. Stupid Deku. It's not that easy. Stupid dad, if he were home I wouldn't have to go with Mom and Mrs Midoriya', Katsuki thought.

A while later they arrived at the hospital and requested to see Izuku. They were denied and was told 'No', for Izuku was in surgery.

About an hour later Katsuki was asleep in is mothers lap,
And Inko was still worrying for her son.


Inko was less panic-y and was sitting calmly thinking.
Katsuki was still asleep and Mitsuki was gently petting his ash blond spiky hair.
A doctor came in and said that they could see Izuku so they got up and walked down the quiet hall. Mitsuki carried Katsuki as he woke up. "Mom, can we go home?",
"No hun, not until we know Izuku is ok.",

They enter the room, and Izuku is hook up to many machines. A doctor stands in there taking notes and checking the monitors then looks at Inko. "You must be the mother",
Inko nods looking at her son, he coughs violently but the doctor doesn't react.
"Why is he coughing so much?", Inko asked.
"I'm very sorry, we did all we could, but one of the chemical he ingested was not supposed to be ingested at all costs. It seems when he did ingest it he also inhaled some completely destroying his lungs, and heart. Also it severely damaged his kidney, intestines, stomach, and any other body part it passed through. Look, the chemical he ingested should've have killed him. You are very lucky Mrs Midoriya.", The doctor Explains

Mitsukis eyes widen wondering why a child would do such a thing.

Katsuki stares at Izuku and rolled his eyes. 'Stupid Deku', he thought

Inkos eyes filled with tears as she nodded in acknowledgment.

"Now, if he takes this medicine regularly, he may live til, 17, without it, maybe only 15. His heart and lungs are very weak now. And caring for him will be a lot of wor-",

Mitsuki butts in. "I can also watch him while you go to work Inko.",

Inko looks at her and nods. "Thankyou Mitsuki.."

The doctor also adds. "He will be here for two weeks, also he hasn't woken up yet. So, we have to wait. Also your bill here, 100 thousand yen",

Inkos eyes widen "100 thousand yen?!",

The doctor nods. "You can gradually pay it off, take your time", the doctor leave soon after.

Katsuki continued to whine not caring about Izuku condition, and Mitsuki took him home a while after. Inko went with because she had no other way home.

Izuku stayed unconscious coughing every now and then.

But the two weeks passed quickly, and young Izuku, was still unconscious, and his coughing got worse.

(Thankyou for reading!!)
(I'll post when I can!!)
Word count: 1312

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