~Chapter Five~

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Alas, Morning has come, but Izuku wasnt feeling himself. He slowly awoken, and looked around his plain grey room, confused of where all his All Might stuff had went. Then he remembered everything. He sat up slowly and looked down and messed with his hands. 'I feel sick..', he thought to himself, and got out of bed slowly as he dragged his feet, he walked out of his room and down stairs to see his mother in the kitchen making breakfast. "Hey Sweetheart, I made breakfast.", she had a plate for him already, she had set it down on the table; eggs, toast, and some orange juice. "thanks mom.", he sat down and look at the food and stared not realizing it.

"I-Izuku honey? Are you feeling ok? You should eat since you didnt last night", Inko worried for him.

"O-Oh, yeah sorry, I'm just not feeling well..", he started to pick at his food and eat.

Inko worried more and walked over to her son and places a hand on his head. Izuku looked at her. "Hm? What are you doing?",

"Checking for a fever", she moved her hand and kissed his head and frowned. "You're a little warm, we have guests coming for lunch, and they'll be staying till dinner, you should finish eating the go lie down, ok?" Inko worried and just wanted her son to rest. Besides the Bakugo's were coming for lunch and dinner.

Izuku finished eating and went upstairs and in the bathroom, he slowly undressed him self and looked in the mirror, he frowned and looked down, and got into the shower.

After his shower he wrapped a towel around himself and walked to his room, he dried off and put on some boxers and a pair of dark green joggers and laid in bed. He sighed and closed his eyes.
'My head hurts, it throbbing' Izuku thought to himself trying to sleep.
'It hurts a lot',
'A small fever.. Its cold..', Izuku kept thinking.

He pulled a thick blanket over himself coughing softly, but that turned into coughing harder and gasping. He reached and grabbed his inhaler using it, his coughing died down. His coughing fits were getting worse, and more painful, he hated the coughing fits, he hated himself for what he did when he was younger, but the past is the past, and unfortunately you can't change it.

Lunch came around and the Bakugo's knocked at the door, Inko had prepared triangle cut sandwiches, with no crust.

Inko opened the door for then and let them in.

"Hello Mitsuki, Katsuki.", Inko hugged Mitsuki and smiled at Katsuki, unfortunately, Mr. Bakugo was at work.
"Inko, Hi. Thankyou so much for having us over.",
"Of course, Izuku and I have been to your house so many times already. Now its time I return the favor.",
Katsuki stood by the door watching them talk. "Tch. I'm going to find De- Izuku.",
"O-Oh, K-Katsuki hun, please be quiet or patient with him, he's not feeling well right now.",
"Ok Ms. Midoriya.", He started to walk towards the stairs and 'Tched',
'Sounds like an excuse'. Katsuki thought.

Katsuki knocked at Izuku bedroom door then walked in and looked at him. Izuku was blushing from a high fever and panting heavily, coughing, wrapped in a thick blanket shivering.
"Ngh..", Izuku whimpers lightly curling up coughing harder.

Katsuki watched him squirm and move, he soon walked her and pulled the blanket off and Izuku woke up opening his eyes slowly. "K-Kacchan?..", he panted out, his body pale and thin.

"Damn nerd, you cant have a thick blanket around you like that.", Katsuki put his hand on Izuku's head. "You're burning up. When did you last fall asleep? You're going to die of a fever Deku.",

Izuku looked at Katsuki and frowned. "I-It's not like y-you'll care if I die or not..", Izuku coughed more as blood spouted from his mouth. he snatched the blanket and curled up again.

Katsuki's eyes widened hearing Izukus words. "Deku.", he growled. "Get up your ass up and come downstairs. You should treat your guest differently.",
Izuku slowly sat up and put his blanket to the side coughing, "Did mom ask me to come downstairs?",
"No, but you should instead of sleeping. Lazy Nerd. Im not here to watch you cough and whimper.",
Izuku nodded and stood shakily and walked to his closet putting a thick hoodie on.

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