•Chapter Six•

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Izuku was surprised by the news that was just shared.
How? It's not possible...?
Not one, but two?
He thought he was just sick?
But he wasn't..
They didn't know what it was at first, but they took some tests, and it seems the he just developed late. But, Izuku was in absolute shock, not knowing what they were yet. But two, possible quirks.


Not only was he not quirkless anymore, he didnt know how to activate a quirk. He didn't want to tell anyone, because it would just come off as a simple lie. And anyone would laugh at him.

The worst part about it, is Izuku didn't even beleive the news, yeah it was surprising, but not one, but two, seems impossible. Besides, he might as well be quirkless still since he didn't even know how to use the damn things, or how it feels to use them.

The doctor explained how and why he got sick the way he did. The quirks they may be manifesting in him were basically fighting over each other like a virus against white blood cells.

Izuku didn't want to tell his mother about the quirks, because if he couldn't beleive it, there was no point, because his mother would tell everyone. In a sense, Izuku was scared. He didnt know what his quirks could be.

He didn't realize but he had been mumbling to himself and the doctor shushed him. But now he may had quirks manifesting he could totally get by the entrance exams, even with physical training.


Izuku fell asleep after the doctor left, and the night past quickly, when he woke up, Katsuki was in the room with ear buds in.

Izuku looked around confused why his mother wasn't there, but, Katsuki was, "K-Kacchan? Where's mom?",

Katsuki sighed and glanced at him rolling his eyes, "The plane was supposed to leave next week but schedule changed and they had to leave early this morning. Now they had you check out awhile ago Deku. Hurry and get your ass up.",

Izuku slowly got up and winced at the instant throbbing of his head. Izuku grabbed his clothes from the back and walked into a bathroom that was connect to the room, he quickly changed and walked out tapping on Katsuki's shoulder. Katsuki reacted quickly and grabbed his wrist as flames bursted from his palms burning Izuku's skin. "Nh- Ah!! K-Kacchan!", Katsuki let go quickly and looked at Izuku. "You fucking scared me nerd.", Katsuki stood up and shoved Izuku to the side and walked out, "Lets go.", Katsuki growled walking out.

Izuku frowned and followed out just to get stopped by the doctor that was treating him. Izuku froze and looked at her, "Y-Yes?", Izuku asked looking at her. She started at a whisper knowing that he didn't want anyone knowing about this yet. So she respected that, "This is a quirk suppresser, take one everyday, since there may be more than one, it could potentially make your life fatal. Creating a sickness within' your body. When you learn your quirks you should go see a quirk specialist.", She handed him a small bag, that held two bottles with 200 pills in each bottle.

'The pills must be small' Izuku thought to himself.

Izuku nodded and thanked her then quickly went to catch up with Katsuki. But when he went outside of the hospital, he was no where to be seen. He just left Izuku there, without a second thought.

Izuku sighed and start walking dragging his feet. The hospital was kind of far from his house, and Katsuki's.

'Welp, I guess I'm going for a walk' Izuku thought to himself as he coughed lightly.

The brightness from the sun made Izuku's head throb. He looked down and tried to ignore the bright lights. While Izuku was walking he heard yelling and screaming, he turned the corner to see a villain attack, heroes on the ground bleeding or unconscious. He looked around spastically, they're were more than just one villain. They're were multiple. Izuku stepped back, although he wanted to watch how the heroes would deal with is situation, he didnt want to end up in the hand of a villain. Izuku told himself to move and leave by the area, but his feet didn't move, he was stuck to the ground watching as this went down. Civilians screaming and running, some bleeding and stuck under debris, ashes and dust flew within' the air. Izuku coughed, the dust filled air suffocated him, he'd leave but he was just frozen, as the attack took place, lucky he wasn't in plain sight.

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