•Chapter Fourteen•

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Katsuki's pov
I look at the glass then around the room, it's kinda cleaned, other than the glass. I look around a bit more entering the room, and there's Deku..

I can't see really see him through the dark, I grab the extra broom in the room and start sweeping the glass up into a pile. "Deku get up. Ok?",

I didn't get a response back.
"Deku-", I paused hearing Dekus heavily labored breathing and desperate whispers. I turned on the light quickly looking at him as he sat in the corner with wide eyes rocking back and forth, tears were rolling down his face, his knees were pulled to chest as he hit the side of his head roughly with his palm, it was as if he had just seen his worst fear.

I quickly walk over and grabs his hand and stop his rocking. "Deku... Deku calm down.. what's wrong?",
He didn't stop whispering to himself, he whispered the same thing over and over again. 'Get it out.. get it out of my head, get it out.. get it out of my head'

I looked as his arms, he had scratch marks running down his arms, little specs of blood aligning the welted marks.
They also ran down his legs.

I stopped his rocking and wiped the tears off his face. "Deku-", he wasn't responding.. at all..
I sighed and sat back making sure he wouldn't try and hurt himself.
A few minutes passed as he calmed a bit. He looked at me, his eyes were still wide and panicked looking.
"Get it out..", he mumbled, his mouth curled into a smile which I may add, was fucking scary as all hell. I stood and backed up.
"G-get it out! Get it out of my head!", he yelled loudly as he began to laugh, he looked down and began to hit the side of his head again. "Get it out!!", his expression turned to anger as well as his voice. "Get it out of my head!!",

How the hell- am I supposed to help someone going insane..
I pulled out my phone and called my mom.
"Mom, can you mayb-

"Get it out! Get it out! Ma-make it shut up!!",
"Is that Izuku?? Is he ok?",
"No! No! Can you just come over? Please! I don't know what to fucking do!",

My mom hung up on me, I looked at Deku as I stopped him from hitting his head again.
I stopped his rocking and had him look at me. "Deku.. can you even hear me?", I mumbled
"Make it go away... get it out... get.. get... make.. make it go away... shut it up...", he stared at me whimpering.
"Get it out..",

He not responsive... he's just.. fucking! Mumbling random shit!

I moved back and watched him until my mom got here.

End pov

Mitsuki quickly ran into the Midoriyas household and into Inkos old room. She found a dissociated and disoriented Midoriya.
She saw as Katsuki held Izuku hands and kept a him steady.

She kneeled down by him and lifted his chin having him look at her, she looked at his eyes and sighed. "His pupils are so dilated",

"God damnit.. Katsuki do you know how-",
"No.. no we were just cleaning and I found him here panicking. He's just.. hes in his own fucking head going fucking insane!",

"Watch your language..", she mumbled sternly.

"I'm going to knock him out-",
"How? How- dont-"

"Katsuki calm down.. it's just pressing two pressure points on his neck.. I won't hurt him.", she mumbled and pressed both pressure points watching as his eyes closed and he fell limp.
"He'll be fine.. he'll wake up in a few minutes probably.. take him to his room.. and wait with him... ok?", she stood and walked out and downstairs.

Katsuki sighed and picked Izuku up in his arms and walked to his room laying him upon his bed.

Katsuki sat in Izukus computer chair and waited until the smaller boy would wake up. He sighed as his mother entered the room with two glasses of water and set them on Izukus desk.

"Give this to Izuku when he wakes..", she mumbled and stood by the door.

"I'll be downstairs finishing the rest of the house. If he wakes up in panic again, call for me.", she sighed and left the room.

A few minutes passed as Izuku woke up, he looked around then at Katsuki. "K-Kacchan?...", he mumbled.
Izuku laid his head back down letting his drowsiness take over.

"Deku... you're awake now?.. how're you feeling?", Katsuki asked, worry laced within his voice. "Stay awake... please..", he mumbled sitting Izuku up and handing him some water. "Do you remember what happened?..", Katsuki bombarded him with questions of concern and curiosity.

Izuku took a sip of water and looked down. "I'm ok now.. and.. I-I only remember a little.. after the glass broke.. after.. a-af.. after..", Izuku stumbled over his sentence begin to panic as he attempted to explain his last panic.

"Deku! Relax. You're ok. You're ok now..!", Katsuki grabbed his arm forcing him into reality.

Izuku looked at katsuki in almost straight terror. "It flew.. It flew because of me.." he mumbled as his eyes widened.

Katsuki shook his head, "what flew?",

"the glass.. I made it.. shatter.. and.. how.. how.. how.. how.. how..", he mumbled in a low whisper as his breath picked up.

"Deku! Calm down! It's ok.. it's ok..", Katsuki reassured.

"Damn... what happened to you..", he mumbled sitting back.

"Just.. go back.. to being happy and ok already Deku..",
Izuku looked at him gripping the cup among his frail hands.

"I.. wanna be dead.. I think?",

Katsuki head shot up staring at the frail boy. "Excuse me?", he grumbled. "You think?! You what?!",

Izuku flinched in return. "Don't say shit like that!! Don't say shit like that?! You got it?!", Katsuki yelled.
Izuku nodded and looked down. "Ok..",

"You understand, right?!", Katsuki lifted his chin glaring at him.

"Y-yes! I understand ok?!", his eyes filled with tears as he pulled his head away.

"I didn't.. mean to say that ok?.. it's just slipped out..", Izuku mumbled as tears spilled from his eyes.

Katsuki shook his head and sat back against the chair. "Y-you shouldn't say things like that.. it's scary.. ok?..", he mumbled looking away.

"I got it.. I-I'm sorry o-ok?..", Izuku sighed thinking.

A few silent minutes passed as Izuku asked a question. "Whyd you make me clean.. why.. whyd you make me go into that room..", he mumbled staring at the ceiling.

Katsuki looked at him as he furrowed his brows. "I didn't make you enter that room. And anyways, the fuck you mean whyd I make you? And I only had you clean, so your lungs don't fucking die from suffocation from fucking dust.",

Izuku shrugged. "Th-the glass.. such a weird feeling..",

"Huh? What feeling?", Katsuki mumbled raising a brow.

"the.. the quirk..", he mumbled as he closed his eyes.

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