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Hard knocks banged against my wall as my mom came into my room

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Hard knocks banged against my wall as my mom came into my room. "Bey! Beyonce!" She was so loud, I just wanted to throw my pillow at her. "Bey!"

I groaned, "Mom!"

Finally, she stopped calling my name. "Make sure you get your sister ready for school. I won't be back until 6 or 7 but the house is clean so you have nothing to worry about, okay?"

I nodded, covering my eyes from the light. She had no reason to turn this light on...

"Okay bye. I love you." She shut the door but quickly opened it. "Oh! And I put $40 dollars on your card."

"Thank you mom. I love you, bye."

When I heard the door shut, I slowly got out of bed. My mind knew I should be getting up right now but my body was too tired. Shutting off the lights, I went back to my bed and threw the covers over me.

Fuck this shit.

Picking up my phone, I connected to the alexa in Solanges room and started blasting cupcakke.

I could hear it from here and died of laughter when the moans came in.

Solange screamed out of frustration. "ALEXA!" Alexa stopped for a second, but went back to the music. "ALEXA SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

I laughed as I heard her little feet stomp to my room, groaning when she flicked the lights on. "Beyoncé!"

"Go shower, little girl. You have school."

She sucked her teeth, "You bitch." and left out, slamming my door.

"Your daddy!"

I slept until she finished her shower and even after, it took me like ten minutes to actually get up.

I showered in hot water, cleaning my entire body. Usually I brush my teeth after my shower but I did it in the shower since I was in a rush.

As I got dressed, Solo knocked on my door, not even waiting for me to respond before coming in. Luckily, my uniform was already on.

"Bitch what if I was naked?" I asked, glaring at her.

"I don't want to see your scrawny ass naked."

Solange might be 12, but she was bad as hell. By the way she goes off by the mouth, you would never think she was only in the 7th grade. Plus, she was tall as hell.

"Can I wear one of your shoes?" She asked me, walking into my closet.

She held up my retro's and grinned, "Please can I wear them?"

She was damn near my height so our shoe sizes were the same. "Sure but if they come back smelling or looking like shit, I'm beating your ass."

She put her middle finger up at me before running off.

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