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Onika forced Kelly to give her a hug after giving one to Robyn and Ranaii

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Onika forced Kelly to give her a hug after giving one to Robyn and Ranaii. "Bye Kellyyy!"

"Bye Nika. Fuck you Beyoncé."

"Fuck you too bitch."

Onika shut the door before she could reply and Robyn threw her foot down on that pedal. I knew she just wanted to get home.

"Come on baby." She was walking too slow for me, I had to wrap an arm around her to speed her up.

Opening the door, she kicked her slides off and I followed. There was absolutely nobody else here so this was so good for us right now.

In the car, Onika and I sat in the back, under a blanket and I was touching her everywhere.

She was so wet but still, I didn't do anything, just touched her. Her nipples were rock hard and I pinched and swirled at them with my fingers everytime I
played with them.

We kept that going for like the whole ride until we started feeling tired. Now, we were by ourselves in her house.

When we got to her room, she looked at me with her bag still on her shoulder. "Daddy I need a bath."

"We both do."

This wasn't my first time here so I knew how to turn the water on. I striped Onika of her clothes and put her in the glass shower. Its too late to sit in a bathtub.

Her house was nice as hell though.

I tried shutting the door, just so I could get ready to come in with her but she quickly stopped me, frowning and her brows fell.


"I'm coming baby, I just don't want to get the floor wet."

She finally let me shut it and I quickly got rid of the clothes, taking my hair down.

"Come stink. Let me wash your hair." I pulled her closer to me
by her arm and she wrapped them around me, throwing her head back.

I laughed, "You want me to wash it like this?"

She nodded and I realized how much clingier she keeps getting.

Either way, I put the shampoo in her wet hair and washed all that salt out. She had her eyes shut tight, just incase of the shampoo.

"Ain't no shampoo in your face little
baby, open your eyes."

She giggled, trusting me enough and opening her eyes. Her hair was full of shampoo so I had to be real careful with the water, we all know how she gets loud when her eyes start burning.

"I love your freckles daddy." She grinned with a closed mouth and I pecked her lips twice.

"I love everything about you." I seem to say this every time she compliments me, I don't know why but it's almost 100% true.

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