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I went to Onikas house, knocking on the door until her mother came to it

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I went to Onikas house, knocking on the door until her mother came to it. She smiled at me, "Hey Beyoncé. Where's Nika?"

"She's up in her room, I dropped her off last night." I smiled through my lie.

She let me in, "She's probably up there, still sleeping. You're up early. It's only 6."

I huffed, "My mom woke me up so I just left early to get some breakfast with Nika before school." I put my backpack on the stool.

"Aw, that's sweet." She smiled. "Luckily you came. Go wake her up, I'm going to be late for work!" She rushed to get her keys.

"Y'all don't be late! Bye, tell Nika I put money on the table for her!"

"Yes ma'am!" Onika gets money from everybody in her life, she needs to get a damn job.

She left and I went upstairs, going straight to Onikas room. Flicking on the lights, I saw she was still asleep and went to start her shower.

I slide the blanket back and grabbed her firmly so I could lift her up.

She whimpered and I watched her eyes flutter until they landed on me.

I rolled my eyes when she fought her way out of my grip. "Why are you here?" She asked, taking a few steps away from me.

"Onika I'm sorry-"

"Why are you apologizing Beyoncé?" She mugged, "What did you do?!"

"Baby, why are you yelling?" I groaned. "I didn't do anything!"

"So why are you apologizing?" She asked again, putting her hand on her hip.

"I know you're upset with me,"

"Hell yeah, I am! You had me spend the night at your house twice, only for you to leave every time I fell asleep." She waved me off, "Get out of my face Beyoncé."

"I was wrong for not telling you mama." I tried to reason, "But that does not mean you can talk to me crazy."

She sucked her teeth, "Get out Beyoncé."

I groaned. Why couldn't she wake up as the baby? She loves me even when she's mad at me. "I'll be downstairs."


"No! Get in the shower so we can get some food!" I yelled back.

She slammed the bathroom door and I went downstairs, sitting on the couch. After about 15 minutes I knew she was done with her shower and made my way right back up there, grabbing a chocolate muffin.

I knocked on the door, "Babygirl?" I called for her, taking a big bite out of this muffin.

"Beyoncé, leave me alone."

I opened the door and she glared at me, wrapped up in her towel while rubbing in her moisturizer.

I put the muffin on her vanity, "You look gorgeous baby." I slickly wrapped my arm around her, kissing her neck.

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