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My mother was yelling at me in front of the school and I already knew people were watching from the windows

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My mother was yelling at me in front of the school and I already knew people were watching from the windows.

This was so embarrassing, all I could do was stare at the ground.

"Are you fucking twelve!? You got hit with a soft ass honey bun and you throw all her shit on the ground?!" She yelled and when I didn't respond she popped my forehead. "AND STOMP ON IT!?"

My head swung up and I rubbed the spot, glaring.

"I have to pay her mother 40 dollars for those fucking snacks and I don't have the money for that shit!" She stressed.

"Ma, I can pay it." Forty dollars wasn't anything.

"That's not the point." She glared at me. "You don't get to do shit like that in the real world with no consequences. That was way too much!"

"How about I apologize?"

"Oh, you're going to!" She waved her hand in my face, "Get out of my face. Go home."

I nodded, trying to walk away but she grabbed my bag. "Go straight home, you aren't leaving that house for the rest of the week unless you got school." Momma let me go. "And Onikas not allowed back in the house until I say so."

I mugged her, quickly fixing my face as my brows scrunched. "What does she have to do about this?" I groaned.

"You want to make irrational decisions then I will too. Goodbye." She walked away from me but I could hear her mumbling. "Damn girl made me leave fucking work for bullshit."

I walked off, rolling my eyes.

Okay maybe I overreacted, but who the hell wants a fucking honeybun thrown in their face at 8 AM? I fucked with Robyn but that threw me completely off.

I sat in that office for a long while. Before our parents pulled up, they made us talk it out with the disciplinarian.

At first, we argued. They let me know that behind each other, they didn't care who it was, anybody could get it.

And I let them know not to throw a fucking honeybun in my face at 8 in the fucking morning.

But anyway, we made up and I did apologize for throwing all her things on the ground. Especially since I knew she sold those snacks to the underclassmen for extra money.  I really should've just thrown it back at her.

It was harder to get Ranaii on a good page with me. I could tell she wanted to put her hands on me the moment I snatched the snack from Robyn.

Ranaii told me I had her fucked up and I told her I didn't give a fuck, for the first 8 minutes we were in that room together.

But eventually, after Robyn and I talked it out, she just shrugged on it. Anything to get out of this room, I guess.

When I got in my car, I texted Onika. She should be now going into her fifth-period class.

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