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"Leave him alone Onika!" I had to snatch her up and force her against the wall

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"Leave him alone Onika!" I had to snatch her up and force her against the wall. "You don't listen!" I was yelling at her because Bobby kept running away from her and she just wouldn't leave him alone. "If he bite you, don't even get mad."

She thought this was so funny, her eyes squinting the more she giggled. "BB we playing tag!"

"No you are, he's not. Don't you hear his little growls?"

She rolled her eyes, "That just how he talks."

I sighed, grabbing her arm and taking us to my room. "You're annoying as hell Onika."

She shrugged, dropping on my bed. "You love me, Yoncé."

I looked at her weirdly ad she spread across my sheets. She sat up, looking at me with her brow raised and a grin on her face.

"Yoncé?" She asked and I hummed, switching my pants since she got it dirty. We were baking; she could be here until whenever, it was friday.

"You know I'm not in my headspace right now?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I know. You're talking so much clearer."

She grinned with a closed mouth, leaning back on her two hands. "Come here.." She licked her already wet plum lips.

I walked to her, not surprised when she leaned up, pecking my lips slowly. Her hand grabbed my jaw and she pulled me in closer, licking my lips.

I wanted to pull away before this got serious but she pulled me right back to her, flicking her tongue.

Opening my eyes, I looked at her a bit shocked.

She grinned, "Give me more kisses, Bey."

"S-should we even be doing this-"

"Why can't we? Do you have a girlfriend?" Her voice started to sour up after she asked that and I quickly shook my head.

"No but, I don't want it to look like-"

"I don't careee." she groaned, standing up and going for her bag. "Can I show you what little nika drew for you?"

I laughed, "Yeah."

She ran to her bag, bringing it to me and put it in my lap, digging in it herself. She pulled out that same folder from earlier and pulled out this pink envelope.

I raised my brow as she handed it to me, "What's this?"

"It's a letter. Read it."

Dear Yonce,

I'm your Nicki and you're my yoncé! I'm so happy I met you. You always make me happy and you handle me so perfect. I don't like to shoot my shot because I'm scary but Bb I really want you to be my daddy

Love Nicki

P.s, I'm asking you if you can be my daddy!!!!!!!

I chuckled, looking up at her. She was standing in front of me, waiting to see what I'll say. She sucked her lips in, hiding her smile and looking down at me. "Stoppp Bey." She grabbed my face and moved my head so I wasn't looking at her anymore. "Don't look at me like that."

Pink LetterWhere stories live. Discover now