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"Didn't I say not to sit in my seat!"

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"Didn't I say not to sit in my seat!"

I looked up at this girl, internally rolling my eyes. "Do not piss me off. There are plenty of seats, fucking choose one."

"No! Get up!" She was starting to get loud and I looked behind her at the teacher. "Now! Get the fuck up!"

"Sir, you better get this bitch before I do."

Onika glared at me. "You're the bitch! This was never your seat!"

The teacher came to us and gently grabbed Onikas arm.

"Ms Maraj, just sit here, it's fine. If you want that seat you'd have to get here earlier."

"I-" She shut her mouth and yanked her arm back. She looked defeated as she sat down in that seat for a second day.

Rolling my eyes, I put my airpods in and finished up my essay. I ended up taking them out because of the irritation.

When I took a quick glance at her, she had her head down. I rolled my eyes until I heard her sniffle and frowned a bit.

Was she crying? Over this seat? Is it ever that fucking serious?

Huffing, I put my airpods in and shut my eyes, bringing up my volume. This shit just killed my entire mood.

Did she expect me to feel bad? For sitting in a fucking seat? Tuh.

People started to come in and her friends came as well. My mood lifted when I saw Kelly come in with them and since the teacher was cool, he actually let her in.

"If you're going to be in here, at least act like you're doing work."

She nodded and came to me, sitting in the seat between Onika and I. "Hey Bey." She looked at Onika and raised her brow. "What happened?"

Robyn came in, looking real chirpy with Ranaii close behind her. Ranaii went straight to Onika, picking up her head. "What happened to her?"

Onika had real tears coming from her eyes and her nose was red. She pointed to me.

They all looked at me, "What did you do?"

"Supposedly, I took her seat."

Robyn sucked her teeth as they others scoffed at me. "Why would you do that? That's been her seat."

I shrugged, "Is she or anybody here is going to beat my ass because I sat here, in this seat that she definitely doesn't own?"

Ranaii dropped her bag, finally looking away from Onika who was just mugging.

"If you have a problem with her, address it with me."

I laughed lowly, "I don't have a problem with her. I'm just not moving from this seat. But if you feel like that's what you want to do today..." I stood up.

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