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"No daddy

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"No daddy."

"Yes Onika. Stop telling me no."

"I say no daddy, not no."

I glared at her, "That don't it make it no better." I grabbed her jaw, trying to give her this allergy medicine before we left.

She whined, moving her head. "Daddyyy."

My eyes rolled and I let her go with frustration. She put her arms up, wanting me to pick her up but I just stared at her.

"I'm not picking you up."

She pouted, crossing her arms.

"Take it or you're not leaving the house."

"Daddy it makes me feel weird!"

"Girl it's the allergies that make you feel weird!"

She groaned, shaking her body as if she could stomp her foot right now. "NOT TAKING IT!" She yelled at me.

My jaw clenched but before I could hit her stupid ass, I just walked out the room. She screamed my name but I simply ignored her and went downstairs.

Bobbys tail was wagging as he stood by the door, waiting for me to walk him. "You ready for you walk boy?" I asked him, seeing his excitement run all through his body when I got his leash.

He spun in circles and I laughed before putting his leash on. He tried to lick my cheek but I quickly moved, waving my finger in his face. "Nope, you nasty!" He just licked my hand instead.

I chuckled, putting my slides on, only for Onika to come running down the stairs. "Daddy, please!" She was still loud and crying.

I sighed. "Onika please don't make me pop you."

She whined, grabbing my shirt. "Wanna come."

"You could, if you just took your allergy medicine. Other than that, no. I'm not dealing with your stuffy nose and itchy throat and you crying as if it couldn't have been avoided."

She pouted, "I take it daddy. Okay?"

"Ok go get it."

She ran back up the stairs and came back down with the pill bottle and her apple juice.

"Take it."

She did and gave me a smile. I just rolled my eyes at all the bullshit we had to do this morning, just for her to take it anyway.

She raised her hands for me to pick her up but instead I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and held bobby's leash with the other hand. "I can't pick you up right now baby."

She nodded, putting her own shoes on and we left the house.

Bobby peed near every poll and thank god he shit near a garbage can so when I picked it up, I threw it right in there.

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