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Hearing the sheets ruffle, it woke me up to see Nika just now waking up

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Hearing the sheets ruffle, it woke me up to see Nika just now waking up. Looking at my clock, I saw it was 10 PM.

Today was amazing. Onika did such a good job, I needed to get her an actual reward, something other than sexual.

"Mmmm" She whined, eyes still closed until she reached over, touching my chest. "Daddyyy!" She rasped out, rubbing her throat.

I sat up, grabbing her, already knowing it was baby Nika. "Come baby." I made her lay over me.

"My throattt." She continued to whine, hiding her face in my neck.

Rubbing her back, I asked, "You want me to make you some tea baby?"

She nodded slowly, "Not hot, Daddy."

"It has to be a little warm baby, or else it won't help you."

"Warm, not hot!"

I chuckled, trying to move but she kept whining. My eyes rolled, "Onika, stop whining."

"Take me with you." She pouted looking up at me with sad eyes.

"Sit up baby."

She sat up, allowing me to get up myself and pick her up. Her arms and legs wrapped around me as I made our way downstairs.

I put hot water on the stove after I set her down on the counter, then made my way between her legs.

Onika put her cold hands inside my shirt, "Daddy I love you."

"I love you more baby. How do you feel?"

She smiled, "I feel sooo good! I get to stay the night with you daddy and tomorrow we go to dave and busters with Solo."

"Who said that?"

Onikas head tilted and she kept that bright smile on her face. "Pleaseeee daddy?"

I hummed, pecking her lips before going into the cabinet to get her some chamomile tea.

"Daddy don't ignore me!" She yelled, jumping off the counter.

"I didn't mama, I heard you and I'll think about it." The answer was most likely yes. She knew I could afford it and she also knew that I couldn't say no to her or Solo.

"No think about it, say yes!"

"Onika," I turned to her one more time and saw her way too close to the pot. "Move from there before you hurt yourself."

She looked from me to the pot before she put her hand over the steam. "You say yes or I put my hand in it."

I raised my brow, crossing my arms over my chest. "Excuse me?"

She put all her weight on one leg, "I do it daddy." She challenged me.

A low chuckle fell from my lips but this wasn't funny to me. When will she learn that I will start whooping her little ass?

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