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For some reason, we didn't go straight to school today

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For some reason, we didn't go straight to school today. We asked Kelly's mom to drop us off by the store since that's exactly where Onika was right now, with Ranaii.

When I saw her, she already had a pout on her face. I wonder what happened? We were in Walgreens right now and since the store was so big, she couldn't see me yet.

When she did, her pout only deepened and she walked over to me sadly but quick.

She whined as soon as she got close,

"Unt Unt. I don't want to hear all that shit right now."

"BB I sad!" She stomped her foot. "You not even give me a chance! So meannn!" She dragged out with a huff turning and going right back to Ranaii with an attitude.

I shook my head, getting my own things before going to find her again. She was in the candy lane all by herself, looking up at all the sugary treats.

Walking up to her, she quickly looked at me, rolling her eyes. "Leave me aloneee!"

I grabbed her hand, "Sorry I was being mean. You just cry a lot."

She rolled her eyes again. They gon' get stuck one day. "I not cry a lot, you just mean a lot."

"Yo do cry a lot but you're right. I'm sorry."

She nodded, picking up a bag of mini airheads. "BB I want candy."

I raised my brow, "Then buy some?"

Tilting her head, she suggested, "I buy cookies. You buy candy."

"I'm not buying anything." I stated, rolling my eyes.

"Pleaseeee? I do anything! I be nice and I won't cry, I won't yell, BB I be quiet!" She spoke louder, and I huffed.

"You're so annoying. Let's go." I pulled her to the front and heard her little huff behind me.

I was just kidding when I said I wouldn't pay for her things. I ended up paying for all of her things and mine.

Robyn was waiting for us in the parking lot and we went in her car, waiting for the rest of them to come out.

She sucked her teeth, "Where the fuck them bitches at? We gon' be late for school."

Onika took one of her airheads out of the bag, sitting up and leaning to the front of the car. "Want some Robby?" She asked, putting the bitten airhead to Robyn's lip.

It wasn't surprising when she actually bit it. "Thank you twin."

She giggled, "I not your twin. Ranaii getting me snacks."

I gasped, "More?! Wow, Onika you really tricked me?"

She laughed more, sitting back with a long sigh, just going right back to a fit of giggles. She's going to be hyper all day, luckily we have only 1 class together so I won't have to deal with it.

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