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Just one more day of school

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Just one more day of school.

Thank god. This week literally feels like the longest ever. Kelly's mom couldn't pick us up this morning so I was late as hell. It was 3rd period by the time I got to school so I didn't get to see Onika.

Robyn was in my 3rd period class so when I saw her in the hallway, she wrapped her arm around mine. "Hey Bey. You going to class?"

"Yeah. I came a little late."

She walked with me, "You could've called me or had Kelly call me."

"It honestly didn't cross my mind." My brain has been clouded since Onika kissed me. Also, I get hard everytime I think about it. I hate being a horny teen that hasn't had sex yet.

I literally can never control myself. I'll get bricked up in the middle of anything.

Thank god for baggy uniforms.

When we got to class, there was a sub again. "Did the teacher die or something?"

She laughed as we took our seats. "Hopefully she's out for the rest of the year." Rob muttered, pulling out her phone. "I'm about to tell the rest of them to come here."

I cheered, "Yesss. I really wanted to come early so I could see Onika first period."

"Beware. She's in a horrible mood today."

"Why? It hasn't even been half the day yet."

She just shrugged. "You know how she is."

She's so right. Onika would have nothing to be mad about, but she'll still be mad.

It only took like two minutes before they came to our class. They used their usual fake names and Onika came to me quickly. She didn't look mad at all, she actually looked happy.

"BB!!!!!" She jumped on me and my chair went back a little as I catches her, scaring the hell out of me.

"Nickiii!!" I matched her excitement, squeezing her just as tight as she squeezed me.

Ranaii sucked her teeth, sitting next to me. "Now she want to act like she wasn't just throwing a whole fucking fit."

Onika pulled back, still holding me. With a pout she held my face, "BB I thought you not come!"

"I was just late. Kelly didn't tell you?"

She shook her head fast, "I not see her."

I felt her phone in her back pocket and pulled it out, "Let me just put my number in your phone."

Ranaii put her hand up in the air, "I'm not dealing with Onika at all, for the rest of the day. I'm not playing."

I looked at her confused, "What did she do?"

"She had milk from the cafeteria. One strawberry and one chocolate but when we got to Mr Benns class, she literally threw it at the wall, screaming like sh-"

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